"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

back to school….

This week I started all the other kids into our homeschool routine. Gotta admit that it isn't easy to pull yourself out of the "hazy, lazy days of summer" mentality. But, wow...it really has been a great week! I made a lot of changes this year and it seems that these changes are proving to... Continue Reading →

Remember the Flowbee hair cutting thingy??

"Me next, me next...do my hair now!!!"They like to keep chore time interesting! Where was I? Oh, yeah....I was capturing the kodak moment and thinking about that old infomercial about that hair cutting doodad that attached to a vacuum! LOL!

Helaina’s finished products

As promised, here is Helaina's Kindergarten creation book and time line. She had so much fun making this and she really put a lot of time into it. I got a kick out of how much thought she puts into choosing that absolute PERFECT color for each iullustration. And we musn't forget our Preschooler Ashton... Continue Reading →

Look who started Kindergarten!!!

It's hard for me to believe that my baby girl is already ready for Kindergarten. Well, to tell you the truth,(according to her) she was ready last year! But, why rush it?She has been waiting all summer to be "officially" doing Kindergarten work. I am excited as well to be going through our third round... Continue Reading →

Isabella’s Summer Camp!

Can you guess where she spent a whole week 9-4 each day? Yup, where else but on top of a horse. Isabella got to do summer camp at Tailwinds and she had a blast! She got to ride 2x/day, clean out stalls (oh yes, this is part of it), trail ride, drive a carriage, wash... Continue Reading →

Blog developed and designed by Ethan Cannelongo