"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

Ethan’s summer hobby

Ethan has become quite the "bug catcher" lately. He even has these little butterflies trained....of course, handling them so much that their wings breaks helps a little in the training process ;-).He and Helaina have started their own bug zoo!

Copywork plans….

Over the next few weeks, I am going to be blogging about our curriculum choices for my kids for the 2008/2009 school year. Many ask me what I use and why I use it....so, this gives me a great opportunity to share all my top picks for this fall, and the whys behind the choices.... Continue Reading →

This is very powerful to me….

I was reading another "fellow homeschooler's blog"http://www.lovesschool.com (thanks Kysha!)and she posted this awesome poem which serves to encourage me and remind me of what true education is. Whether you are homeschooling or not, this can be an encouragement to mothering in general. Enjoy!!I Have Not Been Educatedby Carolyn CainesIf I learn my ABCs, can read... Continue Reading →

Cherry Picking (and Rasberries too!) YUM!

This was so much fun. We got to have cousin Michaela over for a few days, so we decided to go fruit picking together. The kids just loved acting like they were treasure seekers searching for the most perfect cherry! I also discovered how to get my "fruit detesting" Ethan to eat fruit.....let him pick... Continue Reading →

Lift off!!

Oh yes....they got to take a ride in a personal airplane that belongs to a friend of daddy's. Isabella, Ethan, and Helaina got to see their whole town from up in the great blue sky! Ashton and mommy even got to wave to them from the ground! This was an amazing experience for the kids... Continue Reading →

The Annual Lemonade stand!!

Yes, this is becoming an annual tradition. Our kids teamed up with some neighborhood friends to all sell cookies and lemonade! I gotta say, that .25 cents for lemonade and a cookie was a good deal on such a hot day! Even though Ashton was pushing the button on the lemonade dispenser more than they... Continue Reading →

Blog developed and designed by Ethan Cannelongo