"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

Some new critters….

The kids have been waiting all year to earn their new pets! They were promised they could pick out a little pet for their room if they finished their school year with flying colors. Now, they were told that this certainly won't happen every year (or any more years). Or we would have to charge... Continue Reading →

We made it!!!

The kids officially finished their school year! YEAH!!!! I just don't know where the year went, it went fast! But, it was filled with a lot of milestones. Just to name a few: Ethan is now an official READER and he finished his 230 page Bible reader!!! Isabella has traveled the whole country, she also... Continue Reading →

Congratulations Amy and Derek!!!!!

On May 17th we were honored to be a part of Amy(Brian's sister) and Derek's wedding. Isabella was the flower girl and I was a bride's maid. Brian was an usher. The wedding was absolutely beautiful! You couldn't ask for a more gorgeous day or a more gorgeous bride. It was so wonderful to see... Continue Reading →

An Asian Adventure!

We finally wrapped up our study on Asia! Whew! That is a big continent! Well, we actually finished weeks ago, but I am just getting around to blogging about it..lol! So, like all the other continents....it would not have been finished with out a party to celebrate! Here all the MFW ECC kiddies (Zylkas, Woodies... Continue Reading →

We’re back!!!

I will post pictures later....but, here are a few snapshots of our dolphin adventure. What amazing creatures they are! Their skin feels like a wet inner tube and they are so friendly, like little puppies! I wanted to take one home...lol!....and boy, is it cold here! We were completely spoiled with 85 degree weather, clear... Continue Reading →

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