Our Homeschool Co-op Open house!
Every year our Church's homeschool co-op wraps up the year with a few performances from some of the classes that the children participated in. This is so they can showcase all they learned from a few of the classes that they take. Some of the classes that the kids got to take this year were:... Continue Reading →
Here are just some random pics of fun in the makin'...once you throw in some boxes, bubbles, cars, cards, and water, and then you add a dash of some brothers and sisters(oh, and a dog too)......then what do you have?? You have a recipee for joy!
A new toy for the family!!
This is sooooo much fun!
our welcome party for Spring
To welcome Spring and to welcome Easter my fellow "green- thumbed" kids planted their own gardens! First, we kicked off our celebration with a book called "The Parable of the Lily". This is an excellent book, on a child's level of understanding, about learning the value of God's gift to us in Jesus. Then they... Continue Reading →
a long long night….
It all started with a little "rough-housing " in the family room with her siblings and daddy.....when all of a sudden Helaina's head had a date with the "rounded" corner of the coffee table. Daddy ran for the ice and assuming it was a "bump" or a "goose-egg" was shocked to see blood pooling up... Continue Reading →
100th day of school (well this was about a month ago)
So, a while ago we celebrated our 100th day of homeschool! I am just getting around to blogging about it, lol! But, this is always a much anticipated event in our house, because it involves my kids' favorite thing: treats!Our day was a lot of fun and here is a little peak into how we... Continue Reading →