I think this is such a cool picture!
How about a little light?
Ok, so how do you like my Blog makeover? Call it "fighting the winter blues" ormaybe it's an "itching for Spring" but I was feeling like a little more light today!See, today was a very dark, wet and cold day. That was a bit depressing especially after the beautiful spring like days we had last... Continue Reading →
Happy 8th Birthday Isabella!!!
WOW!!! Our first born is really 8 years old! Isabella, you are our sweet baby girl. You are a gift from above. When God put you in my belly, I just knew that He had given us a baby girl! When you came out, and they said, "Its a Girl!!". I said, "I knew it!!!!!!"... Continue Reading →
Happy New Year!!!
What a blast! We love bringing in the New Year with our dear friends, the Woodie family! Thank you Chris and Jul for your friendship. Your family is a blessing to us:-)! We love you! Here's to 2008!!!!http://w196.photobucket.com/pbwidget.swf?pbwurl=http://w196.photobucket.com/albums/aa98/cannelongofamily/cannelongo%20pics/51ee1206.pbw
Makin’ memories and Gingerbread Houses!
We all had a lot of fun making these houses. Or maybe you could say we had fun eating the houses!!! Enjoy the slideshow and Merry Christmas from our yummy home to yours!http://w196.photobucket.com/pbwidget.swf?pbwurl=http://w196.photobucket.com/albums/aa98/cannelongofamily/2007%20pictures/379e1a81.pbw
A visit with Santa….
Every year Santa makes a very much anticipated stop at our neighborhood's clubhouse and the kids go and visit with him to make sure he knows "exactly" what they want. Here is Ashton....i dont think he "gets it yet" but he certainly was interested enough to sit for a pic! Then there is Helaina., "Santa,... Continue Reading →
A typical Friday night!
So, my kids are REALLY into forts lately. My couch cushions are rarely where they belong and my blankets have all been put to good use. So, daddy decided to help out and create a BIG fort with a room for each kid inside! Here is the finished product....Notice the pic of daddy's expression:-). Poor... Continue Reading →
Our First Snow of the Season!
Reason #623 to Homeschool: The kids don't have to watch their first snow from a classroom window...they get to play in it right away! Oh, this house was just dripping with excitement when all the kids saw the first snowflake fall from the sky this morning! Thank you God for sending from Heaven all the... Continue Reading →