It’s REALLY hard to write this post. My tears are flowin’ like a river! YES…I am THAT totally mushy momma…how can I not be??!! My baby is 14!!!!!
This birthday is extra precious because her daddy has been planning something for his oldest little girl since she was 12.
He knew this was the right year…..and he was nervous and excited!
He wanted to take her out to a very special place for dinner, but first he went shopping for a very important gift that he had been toiling over for months…..
Just before they walked out the door I snapped this pic!
Then I cried like a baby…..
then I wrote this on my fb page:
Hard to believe that 14 years ago I was just hours away from a moment that I had dreamed about my whole life: the gift of becoming a momma. It was 14 exact years ago on the Eve of Bella’s entrance into this world that Brian took me out on a special date for Spicy Mexican food in hopes of getting things started! We were so excited!!!. So thankful that The Lord would choose such a wonderful and special first born daughter ever there was …to be ours!!! And look at her now, a beautiful young lady who 14 years later is being courted on a very special date with her awesome father. A daddy who is setting the bar VERY HIGH for future suitors (wayyyyyyyyyyyyy down the road) that will one day come a calling (not that anyone will ever be good enough ) happy birthday Eve my sweet @bellacanne we love you more than words can say and are so proud of who you are, and your precious heart for The Lord!
Then, I got this text…..and I STARTED hyperventilating in tears.
and THAT is what he was doing. Woo’ing his daughter and letting her know how much she is loved and valued in his and God’s eyes. Reminding her that she will always be HIS little girl, more precious then silver or gold. And, that he loves her too much to see her heart go un-guarded. He was asking her for the permission to be the guarder of her heart. This ring is a symbol of the promise of a devotion of purity till he gives her over in marriage to the special man who God has planned to be her husband. It’s a reminder of that pact and covenant they have between each other and God. A promise that he will always be there for her, always protect her and always pray for her….Always his little girl.
He wanted her to know that SHE is that important and valued not only by him but by her heavenly Father.
and of course, I had to have them tell us the WHOLE story the next day!
and….if you know her daddy, you know his silly sense of humor..this was what he first gave her….LOL!!!
and now for the mushy moments that makes this momma WEEP!!!
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now do you get why I am so emotional! WOW….so blessed to call her my daughter and to call him my hubby and the father of my children.
SO BLESSED with so much beauty!!!
(.sniff…wiping nose.)
..made it through that emotional post…
ok, and I have to quickly share the before and After pics of her room re-do!!!!! (this was a present from mommy since Nana got her a new bed set for Christmas!!)
Isabella wanted to help!
HELLO “PEACEFUL CALMING BLUE!!!!” (with touches of Coral and Pink )
She loves it!!!!
here are some pics of the family celebration!
Isabella started off the day with a special “auntie date”….I am so thankful for the special and dear women that invest in her heart, especially beautiful Aunt Amy. If you want to know how to love a momma, love her babies and that is what my dear sis n’ law does. She loves Isabella dearly and takes the time to know her heart….
Then, while she was gone…it was ALL HANDS ON DECK for “operation: SUPRISE SISSY!!!”
The kids went to work decorating, and creating cards and baking a cake!!!
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SURPRISE!!!!!!! |
Our sweet Isabella,
Happy 14th Birthday. We love you so much, you are so precious and worth more than silver or gold! You are made in HIS image for a purpose!
You are fearfully and wonderfully made, Great are HIS works….
(psalm 139:14)
mommy and daddy