"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

CHOPPED! (CanneLongo style)

Have you seen the show???

It’s a good one, and we LOVE it!!!

So, let me start from the beginning:

alarm goes off at 7am.

I push doze a dozen times because I can’t even fathom waking up….it was dark out for heaven’s sake!

8:45: Nope, can’t do it. Make decision to take the day off and start the holiday early!!

9:30: breakfast!! Tell the kids: And I am declared the “best mommy ever”

10:00: we watch a dvr’d episode of CHOPPED

10:30: Kids get this crazy idea to make me a judge and have thier own CHOPPED contest!


I HAND THE KITCHEN OVER! And, sneak away to do some fb’ing, emailing, and other random non-productive things.

BANG/CRASH/STIR/FRIDGE OPEN/PANTRY CLOSES/STIRRING spoons/ POURING milk/ CRUNCHING NOODLE (oh, those noodles, Ashy LOVES cooking with noodles….raw noodles)


FLOUR/brown sugar/more noodles/cooking spray (how cute that they remembered that):)

11:45: TIME TO TASTE THE RESULTS (yes, very nervous about this!) LOL

pretty amazing!

awesome presentation!

anyone care for choco-pasta?? LOL

And here is what I got to feast on: Aren’t I lucky! LOL

Ethan helped me judge, and Isabella was the winner!

So, now its 12:45 and they want to do round 2!!! Ok, so my rule is just this:

Whatever you make, you have to eat for lunch after I try it and judge it!!

This is what they came up with: Funny how they become a little “less creative” when they know they are gonna have to eat it!! haha!

Ethan got “most artistic”

Ashy got “most noodley” (raw)

Helaina got: MOST colorful!

And Isabella got: Most food groups included!

What a day!!! Just a matter of letting the day go, and seeing where it takes you….it sure took us to a messy kitchen! LOL

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