It’s been a week of laughter and smiles at GiasHope Farm Friends.
FIRST: a quick update ….
**For those checking back about Izzy and Spritey, thank you for praying…
We posted an update : click: HERE
This life can feel very heavy at times as we all walk different journeys of pain and trials…. And we know how important it is to get a respite and refreshening, so it’s been a gift to our own souls to open up our farm for others to receive a time of nurturing and togetherness in the oasis of God’s gift of nature.

Our little therapy Farm is a ministry branch of our nonprofit Live Gia Grow Forever Foundation and it exists to bring healing and joy to those that need it most! (See bottom of this post for a summary of the story of our farm)
It’s such a blessing to see how God uses the light and love in His creation to hug weary hearts that need it most.
I mean, how can a sweet baby lamb not bring on a much needed giggle and smile.
It’s quite amazing what a bunny cuddle can do!
Please reach out if you would love a special family date at our farm for some time of fellowship, connection and healing and fuzzy snuggles.
Check out our website for more of our story….
And be sure to “like and follow” our Facebook page for all the most recent and upcoming updates and events!
For instance, we just got babydoll lambs and they are the most precious creatures every there was!!
Look at all this sweetness!!!
Meet our newest Farm Babies: Promise and Praise

They are English Southdown Babydoll sheep (8 week old lambies) and they are a literal dream come true for me! Eeek!!!
Y’all!! I’ve been wanting this special breed of sheep ever since we moved here to our little farm many years ago, and I feel like having this blessing is like a little sprinkle of heaven’s joy raining down on our family and farm in the form of the softest and sweetest creatures ever.
To just sit with them and be in their presence is the most comforting and peace- giving feeling. It’s like having my heart wrapped up in a warm Sherpa blanket! They feel just like that too!
They are pure therapy for my soul and remind me of our great and good Shepherd who comforts us, leads us beside still waters, keeps All His “promises” and is always worthy to be “Praised!”
I know these two babies will bring such comfort to our family and all who come visit GIAS HOPE Farm Friends
Stay tuned (via Facebook!) for all the fuzzy fun Babydoll updates as we get to know our new precious lambies.
For now, we are working on building a bond with them and getting them to trust us as we just sit with them and stay close and feed and care for them, so they know we are safe and secure.
We just love them so so much!
“I praise God for what he has promised; yes, I praise the LORD for what he has promised.”
-psalm 56:10

****(for those who are curious about how this all began….)…. read on…. ***
Introducing “GIAS HOPE Farm Friends”: a new part of our care ministry branch at
So Four years ago just weeks before Gianna moved to heaven, we had excitedly launched our dream and started a Therapy Farm Ministry (formerly named Morning Glory Farm Friends) and we even had our first “farm class” just days before Gianna’s heart crashed.
I remember our animal obsessed GiaBia being my sweet, excited side kick and helping me get all the furry babies ready to introduce to her new friends.
She and her siblings were thrilled to start this ministry together because our little farmette had been such a huge powerful healing balm to our own traumatized hearts (after enduring so many hospitalizations, separations, anxiety and medical trauma). We wanted to share this healing love and joy with others while raising money for heart surgeries for orphans in China …and it was beautiful to watch it bloom that spring of 2018.
But then our world broke and we suddenly lost our baby girl .
And the Lord has gently been calling me back out to re-start this care ministry.
But I ran for a long time because it hurt so deeply to imagine starting again without my GiaBia.
I felt too broken.
However, In the meantime, God continued to use nature to nurture our own grieving hearts through our animals, gardening and caring for His creation. This brought our Gia close.
The invitation was still Being whispered to let God use the tremendous grief to redeem and rebirth this ministry of HOPE.
I could have kept running away for my own self preservation but ….
To avoid the pain, would be to avoid the joy too.
I had to surrender and allow God to use the pain of the darkness to grow something new in the light.
A new goodness in the land of the living.
So here we are, allowing God to do a new thing in honor of our Gianna Lilyfaith.
And She’s squealing from Heaven, I’m sure.

…Introducing “GIAS HOPE Farm Friends”: a new part of our care ministry branch at Live Gia Grow Forever Foundation that serves to nurture hearts through Nature.
It’s our desire to care for the broken, hurting and special needs in our local community while also nurturing hearts around the world as proceeds go to fund the other
ministries of

We are excited to unveil more of the joy, so stay tuned!
You can read More details in link here about our story or follow us on FACEBOOK! Thank you for your support and encouragement
Goodness is Arising!
Psalm 27:13
***Thank you for all your support, love and prayers as we mission forward to help bloom more hope and JOY in this world and in the community! So thankful for God’s beautiful creation, and His overwhelming grace and love that brings us all together so broken hearts can be hugged and nurtured.