Last weekend, Gianna’s precious wish-granters flooded our hearts and home with a celebration and party (complete with cake and decorations)  to share all the details about her special wish…...
It was overwhelmingly beautiful and special!
We celebrated but we had a bit of worry in our hearts as to whether the doctor would clear her a few days later. See, Gianna has had a hard Fall….with lethargy, fluid retention, tiredness and bowel issues in and out of the ER..
But, what was most concerning was her rise in heart pressures and a valve that is being compromised…..and back-flowing…
So, we saw her cardiologist this past week and …..
God answered our prayers, she is cleared for the trip and, though her left ventricle is still struggling and back-flowing and not happy, her pressures were slightly better this time!
 …..The only possible explanation for slightly better pressures is the power of prayer!!!!Â
Though, the doc made sure to bring us back down from our cloud 9 jump, to let us know that she still has a struggling heart and summarizes her present heart condition as a “stable degree of Dysfunction” and assured us that a heart Cath is necessary for sometime in the future. (To be determined at next echo). He states that her clinical symptoms (lack of growth, labored breathing, lethargy ) show a heart that is not thriving for long term. ….
However, not one of us can predict the next step……we wait in Limbo,, choose to HOPE and keep praying for “stability” AND healing! GOD IS ABLE!
However, not one of us can predict the next step……we wait in Limbo,, choose to HOPE and keep praying for “stability” AND healing! GOD IS ABLE!
We were given GRACE FOR TODAY….and time to exhale…..
Heres the Best news ever:
Heres the Best news ever:
SHe has been counting down the days…..dreaming, hoping, wishing…WE ALL HAVE held on to HOPE!
WORLD, She deserves this break from medicalÂ
Her Dream is to meet Elsa and Anna, hug them, get them to sigh her special book…..see the BIG CASTLE and get to be a princess w in Disney!!!
How amazing that her dreams will come true!!
 (these are the shirts we designed for our trip, courtesy of Custom-link!)
Do you want to hear the BIGGEST GOD WINK in all of this!!Â
The day her wish is granted will be the Exact ONE YEAR Anniversary from her First of THREE consecutive Open heart surgeries….
And, what would be the beginning of a 6 week UPHILL battle for life and HOPE.
SO thankful to be on this side of the mountain!
I look at these photos and cry…all the emotion wells up inside of me of that season….
But, What an honor  to get to be her family and walk her through a journey of HOPE.
She has walked brave and endured much trauma, more than anyone should have to in a lifetime.Â
She has taught us how to walk brave as well.
And, now she gets to board a plane that will not take her to TRAUMA but to HER DREAMS!
So thankful for MAKE-A-WISH!!Â
And, though we have NO idea what her future holds, we know WHO holds her future and we are Thankful forÂ
We are thankful to get to DREAM AND HOPE BIG!
LIVE Â BRAVE sweet GIANNA and DREAM ON, our Fierce fighter!
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.
(HEB. 11:1)
Johanna, I pray yall have such a blessed time together. What a Great blessing in this season!!!!! So Happy for little Gianna. She is such a Treasure.