Hi friends! I wanted to share an update on our tiny little superstar. She’s a miracle in so many ways and fiercely bonded! Such a gift! She’s simply amazing and wildly excited about her approaching “Elsa “ birthday and Christmas! She will be 4 but she’s tiny and wears 12/18 size clothes😂.
She’s eating well and growing fast (especially her hair and nails!). She loves to roll around all over the house chasing her siblings and loves to paint and make a mess with all the glitter glue!

She’s magical, sparkly and loves unicorns and animals and all things Frozen and Toodles (Micky Mouse). She loves to dance with us in the kitchen and spin in fast circles and be thrown in the air and wrestle with baba on the floor! She’s an arm splint rebel and tears them off in the middle of the night In her sleep. Lol.
She’s acquiring language so quickly and is wicked smart! Her favorite words are “mine, sit (in Chinese), pleeeaaassseee, more!), I love youuuu and “bo-bo” (carry me in her own mandarin)… oh, and “get up!!!” when her siblings are sleeping in late😂). She’s hilarious and tender hearted and always wants to get bandaids for her boo-boos!
She will be starting her club- feet casting journey after the holidays (January to March) which will include surgery on her ankle tendons (with dental surgery too).

Her team is hopeful she will walk one day, and we are claiming this miracle over her life as well🙌🏻🙌🏻! She is fiercely determined and filled with all kinds of spunk and sass! There is nothing she won’t be able to do!
She’s truly an overflowing gift from heaven who brings so much joy to our hearts and daily amazes us with her abilities and determination 🦋.

She is a light in the darkness
How blessed we are to be hers!!!
Thank you for praying for her with us! We look forward to seeing ALL that God will do through her life!