God willing, In just two weeks our family, along with three amazing young adults, will be on a plane to Nicaragua to bring hope, love and light and we need your prayers! This miracle is an answer to 3 1/2 years of our own fervent prayers. When we were last in Nicaragua, serving as a family with our Gianna, we knew that God would be bringing us back and we knew Nicaragua was a part of our hearts forever. What we did not know was that just 2 months after coming home from Nicaragua in 2018 and seeing God’s glory, that we would have to tragically walk our Gianna to Jesus’ arms and so desperately rely on that Hope of Jesus to rescue our own broken hearts and miraculously light up our own darkest nights.

We miss our girl with every breath we take, but we know she is close, she is alive with Christ, and that her miracles continue on! Gianna’s life has always taught us to keep our eyes heavenward and to invest in eternity and to allow God to keep taking us deeper where true treasures are unearthed. Experiencing the deepest tragedy of our lives has allowed us to experience the deepest HOPE of God’s salvation and we do not want to keep it to ourselves. It has been our heart’s ache and deepest desire to get back to Nicaragua in representation of our Foundation, LIVE GIA GROW FOREVER FOUNDATION that was started in honor of our Gianna’s light and life and bring God’s love and hope to those who most need it. This is why we are here on earth… to be a light and to share HOPE! This is why we have been saved, to proclaim salvation to others.
While we are there, we are honored to come alongside dear life-long friends and partners in ministry to help serve and bless. These are ministries that have been close to our hearts for years and we have diligently prayed for and supported each of them: Unity 4 Orphans (Brian serves on the advisory board for this ministry) Tesoros De Dios (God’s Treasures: a Special Needs Ministry) and Open Hearts Nicaragua.
Some of the ways that we hope to be a blessing is: Serving Special Needs Children at God’s Treasures and bringing donations for much needed medical supplies (more info coming soon of how you can help), Prayer walks, community outreach, Teaching ESL with our programs at U4O, Feeding Days, bunk bed ministry, visiting orphanages and caring for orphans and gospel outreach! We just deeply desire for God to use our open hearts in special ways that only HE can do.
We are so excited to go plant our feet into the beautiful land of Nicaragua again to walk among the beautiful people and see God move in BIG ways! We are thankful for the honor to bring light! But, we can not do it alone. We will be sharing more in the coming days about the specific projects that we will be involved with and that will need your specific prayers! Will you please partner with us? We need your support to walk in this mission and miracle! Covid has made travel very hard and there are so many mountains! BUT GOD IS BIGGER! We serve a Mountain Crushing God! Please pray for us all to stay healthy and to pass all the health tests and for God to part this RED SEA! We also need specific prayer for one our beloved young adults who is coming with us, Danielle, and her passport! She applied 4 months ago and it seems to be lost in the system! Please pray for it’s release so Danielle can come with us to be a light for Jesus! We know God is able! PLEASE PRAY FOR THIS MIRACLE!
Also, as we all know, anytime you step out in faith, the enemy loves to throw his arrows! Please pray as we navigate some new obstacles here on the homefront! In the last two weeks our family bus has needed new tires, it also broke down and is in the shop getting repairs, our lawn mower broke, our Air Conditioner went up and needs to be replaced and we experienced a flood on the top level of our house that leaked through both floors (while hosting our daughter’s graduation party). Ugh, crazy stuff! But, still minor when held up to the great power and blessings of God! Greater is HE who in in US than he that is in the world and what God has planned, no one can stop! Just please pray for supernatural peace and financial provision! We trust God and rest in His truth and believe He alone can get all 12 of us to Nica!
Thank you for your love and prayers! And, If you feel led to join us in this mission financially, you can donate to our Foundation at this link: DONATE HERE !
Also, EXCITING NEWS! Our “Out of the Darkness and INTO the LIGHT” t-shirts are coming back in NEW FRESH Fall cozy COLORS and and even softer material!! Stay tuned!
Some of you may remember our T-SHIRT story! Here’s a recap for those who don’t know the story!
In the spring of 2019, the Lord called us (after our Gianna went to heaven) to run to her baby sister in China who also needed hope. You can read our journey to Eviemira JunTova here. We had designed and sold T-shirts to help bring her home and to publicly declare that darkness does not win.

These T-shirts held the precious EKG heartbeats of our brave Gianna in the design. Her heartbeat is seen in the sun’s blazing rays, which are literally lighting up the darkness over the mountains.
These shirts became a banner of HOPE in our darkness and a stomping on satan’s head in our wilderness journey.
We were so humbled and hugged by our community around the world as they wore these shirts on Gianna’s heaven anniversary which also came right at Easter time. These shirts were a vessel of provision and a symbol of LIGHT to bring our daughter home! These shirts encouraged ours and so many others’ hearts around the world!
These shirts tell a story of the Resurrection victory.
These shirts tell a promise that darkness does not win!
These shirts declare truth.
We can’t think of a better mission or purpose to re-launching these shirts again than bringing the hope of CHRIST and Gianna’s heartbeats with us to Nicaragua!

We will have this T-shirt launch active (edited to add, they are now active!) … the whole duration of our mission’s trip in Nicaragua so you have a way to get involved with what God is doing in this beautiful land! All proceeds will go towards the projects and ministries that we are involved in and any new projects and missions that will be birthed from our time spent serving and praying while we are there! We are believing and expecting God to move in HUGE ways and praying for His glory and fire to come down! We are so dependent on His power through our weakness and so needy of His strength to equip us as we obey and walk forward in faith! You can purchase here!
We are just so excited and honored to get to walk in this beautiful light! Will you come alongside us? We are praising God for this miracle!
Again, here is the link if you feel led to donate directly to this mission! Thank you mostly for your prayers as we can not do this alone! DONATE HERE !
Edited to add: Would you please pray about getting involved in our Bunk Bed Mission of LOVE and HOPE!
Live Gia Grow Forever Foundation will be in Nicaragua in just one week. One of the ministries that we will have the honor to volunteer at is a school for “at risk” children, called Club Brasiles(run by Open Hearts Nicaragua ). This school is set among a very impoverished community of families who live in small shack houses that are about 250 square feet with walls made from sheet metal. The children sleep on the dirt floors or on a thin mattress on the dirt. Can you even imagine?It is our desire to come alongside this ministry to buy bunk beds, deliver and build them for a number of families in the community. We will also get the opportunity to pray over these families and minister to them while in their homes. As you can see, the smiles and joy that these beds bring the children are just beyond priceless! And, we need help to make this mission possible! Each set of bunk beds cost $125.00 and we are asking if anyone would like to come alongside us in this opportunity and sponsor a bunk bed that we will buy, deliver and build with love and a message of HOPE! You can send donations to this link: HERE

Thank you for helping us grow more Hope!