Disclaimer: This post is written with a smile. There is no negative tone, though my answers are short in length at times, they are not meant to be short in tone. I understand these questions, I really do (Seriously have had some of these myself before being in this position)….I welcome them and I want to answer them all right here! HOWEVER, I feel I’m better at it in person, so don’t be afraid to ask when you see me! We’ll chat!
1) Why won’t you just adopt from the US, why go outside your homeland?
answer: Wish I had a more eloquent answer that gives more satisfaction to those who wonder…but, its real simple for us, we felt the call and desire to adopt, we prayed and sought God’s will and God revealed to us that our daughter is in China! So, there we will go to get her!!
2) Why are you adopting a girl?
answer: We believe in what the Bible says. It says that God is all- knowing and sovereign. God already had her chosen for us before the beginning of the world. So, when we prayed in faith we beleived for God to reveal to us who it is. God laid a little girl on both our hearts, and we just knew….no question about it! Thats just how it happened! Pretty awesome how personal our God is, He is so real!!! Seek Him and He will be found, a dynamic relationship with a LIVING GOD!!!! How cool is that!
3)Why are you “fundraising”, if you don’t have enough money to raise another child….then don’t adopt!
answer: There is a big difference between raising a child and providing for them over many years (like 18) and up-fronting 30,000 w/in 10mos. to bring her home and get her in your arms. So, we’ve decided to get creative about ways to do just that!
4)Why are you doing “fundaisers/raffles”, aren’t you making your child like a “charity case?”
answer: I understand this “debate”…..though, just recently had my eyes opened to this mindset or view of it. I never really saw it that way (call me naive)…I just saw it as a way to be creative about “raising necessary funds” to help bring our daughter home.
We believe that God uses His people to make things happen, so why not provide fun ways to give those who “want to bless and are able to give” a way to bless creatively while also publicly raising awareness of the orphan crisis around the world. We are so very thankful for those that have desired to be a part of our journey in this way and have done so! What a blessing you are!!
I guess I don’t over-think things, we get an idea, pray about it….discuss it with each other and we run with it (as you know by now, with much excitement). Everyone will have their criticisms, but in the end no one is forced or manipulated to participate in a fundraiser/raffle ( aka: creative ways to raise necessary funds). Its there for those that choose to! Not everyone wants to adopt or feels called to, but there are some out there that still believe in it and want to help those that are called to do it (again, God’s people working together).
We don’t see it as our charity case that we are trying to promote, we are simply publicizing ways and ideas to come together and be a part of something big with a common purpose, the purpose of bringing home our baby girl!
SIMPLY STATED: if you don’t feel led to give a gift, participate in a fundraiser or to be in a raffle then just don’t do it (no big deal)! …we never want anyone to feel pressured! Just block me on facebook, when I talk about these things. I won’t be offended! LOL
BUUUUUUUT, I mean really, who doesn’t need or want a creative and good excuse for buying jewelery and yummy tastefully simple food! LOL Just sayin’, right girls! hee-hee
5)( And this one is a sensitive one, but we do hear it! So, choosing to address it here)
QUESTION: So, why are you still buying things and doing stuff when you are saving and “Asking for money”??
***So, I really had to pray before answering this question because I am excited to answer it but I don’t want my excitement to be misinterpreted as “snappy-ness ” :)*** so, here I go!
answer: First of all, we are not asking for money. So, lets clear that up! We feel we are giving the opportunity for those that WANT to help, a way to help. And, on the subject of “buying things”: if you mean birthday gifts/ anniversary gifts, day trips or anything of that nature. We have a budget that still allows for us to have modest celebrations for each other. Its all about balance, we’ve learned. Our budget allows for us to save and put money away towards the adoption, but it also allows for us to find great deals to occasionally take a time away from harsh reality to go fun places (ie- hershey park discount tickets, two day groupon camping trips, beach day trip). We strongly feel that family bonding and memory making is critical and necessary to staying sane, keeping a strong family, and for maintaining strong relationships among each other. However, we try and be good stewards ( almost to the point of annoying);) with the money we have allocated for these certain areas. We search for amazing deals, we coupon, we barter, search for bargains, and we sleep in tents (LOL)! We are doing considerable less then we would have done had we NOT been saving to adopt. We see this as a privilege….and hope to continue the pattern. Its fun!
Seriously, its amazing the fun you can have by simply being more creative and resourceful (even if it means eating lunch out at Costco’s). So, we choose to keep living and bonding as a family and creating cheap memories that are worth more than gold. We choose not to splurge, and we try to spend more wisely. We learn as we go. The kids are learning too, they are seeing that everything is not about satisfying their immediate wants and desires, but rather for coming together in a united purpose and sacrificing for a greater good and wonderful thing, like a precious new sister. This whole process is also helping us to become better managers of our money, of which we are thankful! I guess everyone’s interpretation of that is different. There will always be others’ judgments and views that will never be satisfied. And, that’s ok. When it comes down to it, we are not perfect and we make mistakes too, and we learn from them. But, I do have a suggestion: Let’s all try and love more and judge less….we may find that we are a bit more joyful! (pointing to self: certainly guilty of this too)
6. Do you have any newcomer advice to people that have it in their hearts to adopt in the future? Why not? That’s a question we were faced with . There are over 147 million orphans in the world and so many families that have so much love to give. It just makes sense to share your life with these kids and have them share their life with you. We now feel like any excuse that we can come up with pales in comparison with the greatness of our God and what He can do. We trust Him to provide the time, patience, finances and ability to do this. And the reward for us is so much greater than anything we are “sacrificing.” We get the privilege of being blessed with these wonderful kiddos! And, we get to grow in our relationship with God as we rely on Him and His strength! Our faith grows as does our hearts!
7) What can we do to help?
answer: PLEASE PLEASE pray for our sweet Tahlia, that God would continue to move mountains to get us to her! Pray she stays healthy and well nurtured while she waits for us. Pray also that we continue to trust God! We know it is He who is in control!
Oh, and if you feel the desire and would be blessed by it, then take part in our creative ways to “raise funds” ( I have a Tastefully Simple party going on now) and our fun raffles ( I HAVE AN UPCOMING FUN RAFFLE BEING REVEALED THIS WEEK!!!). But, PLEASE don’t if you don’t want to! No big deal! But if you have in the past or plan to, please know that we are SO SO grateful and don’t take anything for granted!
I am sure there will be more questions to come, can’t think of anymore right now….but, feel free to ask, and we’ll answer the best we can! We welcome them.:) Just don’t be snarky!
I just want to encourage you to continue giving people who possess the heart of God the opportunity to glorify Him by getting involved in what you're doing. We are all called to share His love with the nations (plural, not just THIS nation), and your family is giving those of us who are not called to adopt the privilege of looking after orphans. The suggestion that children should be adopted from this country first suggests that somehow American children are more important than the other children in the world. And, as a whole, children in this country simply are not as needy as children in other countries.
And as for question numbers 3-5, anybody asking these questions should be asking themselves where their treasure is. That sounds like hearts that are inclined toward earthly things. If you feel led by God to provide a loving home for a needy child, it would be okay if others financed THE WHOLE THING. We all have different gifts. We are flexing the muscle of the body of Christ when we each do our part. YOUR primary part is to provide the loving home. You are not doing this for personal gain. This is a mission. Those that choose not to contribute their gifts to this mission are missing a blessing.
And a real gift requires sacrifice. Otherwise, we're just tossing your daughter our leftovers.
Continuing to pray about you and your mission to a God who knows no borders….
Love love love this! I could have written it myself! Thanks for sharing!
We just traveled down the road that you are going–last year, and the Lord provided over $20,000 for us; plus, we also have the tax credit for next year. We had people constantly ask us the same questions; your answers were right on! Why China? Well, my answer is God sees no boundaries just children who need homes! I noticed our Journey for Joelle website on your blog, too! Thanks!
How much more money do you need?
Ideas–put a puzzle together of your child once you've accepted the match is an idea–$10 a puzzle piece
Or . . . see if a local coffee shop–Starbucks or Dunkin' Donuts will let you have some cups. Put your child's picture on it (although I realize you already did the baby bottles).