Safely tucked in at the hotel in GZ! Longgggg day. Everyone is exhausted. Had many room reservation issues that wore us out. Just so Glad to be here and looking forward to meeting up with our huge agency travel group at breakfast! Gotta share these pics. Can’t believe the last time we stood in this Lobby we were bringing Tolly home! And here we are 2.5 years later. Bringing home her Mei Mei. We would have never believed it if God told us that! This wasn’t our plan! But, His plans are so much higher and better and rewarding than ours! (Def more crazy, chaotic, and risky too ) but so much more awesome and amazing to be out of the boat!
With each day, we are getting to see more and more of her fun personality blooming and she is a riot!!! She loves to giggle and laugh and she has a great sense of humor! She fits in beautifully! She seems very comfortable with us and I am so thankful that she is trusting us and bonding to us! Such a product of prayer!!!
She slept on baba most of the flight here…so sweet! I am so thankful that she allows both momma and baba to care for her needs and comfort her. So thankful!