We are another step closer!!! I was pretty nervous….and, I didn’t know what to expect. Brian wasn’t nervous at all. But, on the way there a good friend texted me an important piece of advice: “Just be yourself, it will be fine” (thank you Jen!)…and it was!
Well, we walked into the office and right away we were greeted by our social worker. She was around our age and very friendly, approachable, not intimidating, warm and kind. Whew!!!! So relieved!
Again, to the “comfy couch room” we went! Of course, Brian refused to sit on the couch for fear that he’d fall asleep! So, in the chair he sat..while I sat near him on the couch. LOL….it does kinda swallow you up! I loved it though…I just needed a blanket, and I’d be even better! :p
Anyway, back to the story….
So, in that 1.5 hour interview we were asked First:
“Why do you want to adopt??
…this was certainly followed by a heartfelt and emotional, yet excited response filled with passion (hey, we were told to just be ourselves 😉 )!
Then came the story of Brian and I….oh dear!
“how we met, what attracted us to each other, our weaknesses, our strengths, how we deal with conflict, how do we have fun (does she REALLY want to know) LOL
….This part was fun and sorta sweet and mushy all at the same time!!! LOL
Then, we were asked about our children, to describe them. Ummmmm, I think she had to literally shut our mouths after a long -winded time because we couldn’t stop talking about our kids. Once we get going, it really is hard to stop. There is just so much we can say about them…too much to sum up in a one hour interview, that’s for sure! There were times I felt like it was just Brian and I in the room as we talked and laughed with each other about each of our kid’s idiosyncrasies, personalities, strengths, quirks and traits. I was missing them…and kept telling her I couldn’t wait for her to meet them!
….all in all, it was fine, and as my good friend Jen said: we were ourselves and that made it feel natural!
Of course after all this “connecting in the big couch room with each other,” it seemed almost necessary to have a nice date lunch (just Brian and I, not the social worker…LOL) at Panera Bread to celebrate yet another step, one more step closer on our journey to our daughter!
THANK YOU Nana and Pop-pop once again for being an awesome support system and babysitting for us!!! We appreciate and love you!
***oh, and the best part: we got our last 2 meetings already scheduled and on the calendar!! WOOHOO!!!
Yippeeeee! One step closer!