"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

gather prayer troops (surgery this afternoon)


After hours of discussions, team meetings, extra imaging, and analysis of cultures….

It has been decided that Gianna’s heart should not wait longer for additional repair and they will be operating on her this afternoon around 3:00pm.

This operation will be 4-5 hours long and she will be on Bypass machine for an hour or more.

In the 3-D echo they discovered that she also has a widening hole (VSD) which they knew about Post-OP, however, it is getting bigger and they need to repair that ….

Along with patching the hole, they will be performing Mitral Valve repair (which we knew from the begining may be a later issue)

PLEASE pray they can repair the valve. As a last resort they will REPLACE it, but we are praying for a repair.

Mostly, we are praying for Gianna to be strong through this…She is obviously going into this surgery more compromised then last surgery.

I am praying for a FULL restoration of her precious worn body.


Praying and knowing the LORD is fighting for her while she is still….

Praising HIM for what He will do.

The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.” 
 (Exodus 14:14)

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