"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

Gearing up for soccer season!

The kids are excited for yet another year of soccer season! Helaina gets to play this year and she has been practicing all summer. What’s better than getting to play soccer?? How about daddy being your coach!! Yup, daddy is coaching Isabella’s, Ethan’s and Helaina’s teams! What a great daddy! Ashton doesn’t get to play till next year, but he still gets a jersey!:-) So….If you want to know where we will be every Saturday morning for three hours for the next two months….well, we’ll be on the soccer field!

0 thoughts on “Gearing up for soccer season!

  1. Ohhh, they are so cute, Jo!So, did they get to have their first game on Sat.?? I was praying for the rain to stay away. Brian is pretty much Dad of the Year! 🙂

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