Brian and I are strategically tag-teaming. He is taking the weekend, and I am going to take over Sunday through the week since daddy’s got to work. Its very hard to not be with my baby, but being at home to hug and comfort my other babies is very vital too. My heart is torn……She is finding great comfort in daddy and Bella is visiting her right at this moment with my dear friend taking her. If I visit, she would not let me go and it would be harder on her too, unless I stay and not leave. sigh….. I miss her so much. frown emoticon SO thankful for daddy!! She SPOKE to us on the phone and sounded “up”….Brian said it was the first time the CICU nurses heard her tiny squeaky voice! So, clinically She is starting to act normal and THIS IS VERY GOOD NEWS!!!! Prayers are working! Its been discussed and recommended from her Boston team that she get an MRI to better assess the cause of the bleed. SO, we are hoping this happens sooner than later. She got a PICC, thankfully no more tortured failed traumatic sticks, this is very encouraging since they have to draw labs very often! She is not showing any evidence of long term damage from her bleed. SO THANKFUL!!!Â
We have never ever been so scared in our lives… What started as a “zoning out” after vomitting turned to body twitches as Brian and Ethan were driving her to the ER at Dupont. VERY SCARY! They rushed to her as soon as daddy and big bro came storning thru the doors. They have been wonderful…
I am so thankful for GOD keeping her safe and protected.
So, the plan is to get her stable……they HAVE to put their smart heads together and figure out what happened to our baby and why? Gianna has never been an easy case to anyone, medially speaking. So this is no surprise that she is making them work so hard wink emoticon PLEASE PRAY for wisdom and cont’d protection!! They have told us that the bleed could have even started days earlier and it could have been from too thin blood (from coumadin) or it could have beed a clot that moved to her brain??? so many questions!Â
But, We are thankful the bleed does not appear to be getting worse! They are thickening her blood to stop the brain bleed, however this puts the heart at greater danger.But, they are monitoring that precious heart very very closely . Her fever has been brought down with meds, and they are continuing IV antibiotics. She may have to be transferred to CHOP in a few days for insurance reasons. They were going to last night but Gianna was not stable enough for transport so she was admitted right there. They have told us it could take the medical teas over a week to stabilize her and get her in a safe position medically with her blood coagulation before discharge to go home. This was hard to hear…..I Am SO THANKFUL she is safe and getting the medical care she needs, but to have her back in the ICU breaks our hearts. frown emoticon
However, she is alive and I PRAISE God that once again He has saved our little girl!!!Â
Keep praying, friends and family!!! I know and trust GOD is moving even more mountains for our Gia-Bia and using this to reveal a hidden variable in her which had her in even more danger!!! SHE is a fighter and she amazes me. PRAYING for a fast recovery and fast answers and for GOD to show off once again for our warrior. heart emoticon
Gianna update….