Our Hearts will forever bleed on this earth as we continue forward without our Gianna in our arms. Grief has become a powerful force that has both crushed us and grown us too. It is only because of our living HOPE, that we know we will see our Gianna again. Because of this truth, our Gia’s brave life and sparkly light will continue to grow our lives on earth as we watch her miracles continue to bloom and wait for the day when we hold her again. Her life is a picture of God’s relentless love and it is our hope to continue to shine that light in honor of our warrior. Her life growing more hope for those who need it most.
It’s almost my birthday and it is Heart Awareness Month! What a blessing to be able to share a mission of brave HOPE with all of you!
In honor of our bravest heart warrior, Gianna Lilyfaith, and her forever heartbeats that sing a story of WILD HOPE, we have started a Facebook Fundraiser to grow Gianna’s memorial fund so we can continue to financially help others who are adopting and also support a foster home for those who are caring for orphans in China. The “LIVE GIA GROW FOREVER FUND” will continue to bring Hope and fund miracles from the legacy of her life.
You can visit our Facebook Fundraising page here
Last November, this community helped us raise enough money to send a sizeable donation to Lilyshouse.net (Gianna’s former China Foster Home) and we were able to give 5 adopting families a “Live Gia Grow Forever” Grant on Gianna’s Birthday on Janurary 10, 2020.
It has been a humbling journey to read stories of those who are stepping out in brave hope. Today, I would like to introduce you to a few of these beautiful families who are living out their faith in an inspiring way.
First, we would love to introduce you to the Larson family. They are running in blind faith, despite all the unknowns towards their precious waiting child who needs HOPE.
Their child, Guo, is 2 years old and has been through more in her short little life than most other kids her age. She was unable to be raised by her biological parents and entered into the orphanage system in China as a baby. She was moved to a healing home for further medical care and received a diagnostic workup revealing the devastating, terminal diagnosis of Spinal Muscular Atrophy type 2 (SMA-2). Children with SMA-2 begin to show body weakness in the first year of life. Breathing and feeding problems are typical. For Guo, there is much about her prognosis that is unknown. Although heartbroken, the healing home began to advocate for Guo to have a family, a permanent loving family who is willing to be with her, regardless of how many days of life she has. An amazing family, the Larson family, has stepped forward in faith, knowing that little Guo is meant to be the precious, chosen daughter they had hoped for. They are now racing to bring her home.
Guo’s best chance for the healthiest life as possible is to get her here as soon as possible. Time is of the essence. There are clinical trials and medications which she may be eligible for to help her muscles and prolong her life. Her family is working to expedite the adoption and bring her home in the next few months. To do this, they need to raise funds very, very quickly.
The Larson family knows that Guo needs a miracle.
They know they are racing against time to get her home and get her started on medicine. They know that the little girl they already love may not live a long life. But they know that every child, including children with incredibly scary and life threatening diagnosis, deserves a family. They trust that God will be with them during this entire process.
You can learn more about their journey here at this link
Secondly, another Live Gia Grow Forever Grant family that I would love to share with you all today is the Piper Family…..
You guys, this family is so beautiful and they simply exude SO much light.
The Piper family’s adoption journey reflects the heart of God. When our family read their story, we were deeply moved by their example of humility, relentless love and risky faith. But what stood out most to us was their overflowing joy, even amidst all the unknowns. Love truly trumps all fear!
And, so It is such an honor to share their miracles of blooming HOPE with you all today. I pray you will take a moment to watch their beautiful, brief video and consider coming alongside them to support them as they run across the world to their newest daughter!
From the Piper family:
“We always knew we would adopt, but never could we have imagined the story God was writing. When we decided to pursue a special needs adoption from a small country in Asia, it brought us to our son Nolan who has quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy and a rare progressive seizure disorder, after bringing him home we learned that he had a close friend with very different needs, from the orphanage that had never even been inquired about, he was older but we knew God was calling us! So we went back! During our second adoption we learned of a little girl exactly like our Nolan who we began advocating for. We even had the chance to meet this sweet girl whose time in the orphanage was limited as this country only allows children with severe Needs to stay in the orphanage until age 6 when they are moved to an adult institution. The advocating became urgent, which then turned to praying that if this is not God’s will for us to please close this door. And every time I prayed this prayer, the next day another door seemed to open making it clear that God was calling us back. Three back to back adoptions are virtually impossible financially, but we know we are following God‘s will for us and this sweet girl. We are humbled and grateful for the support and gift from Gianna and her beautiful family!”

Friends, in honor of our brave heart warrior, we are just so thankful to be coming alongside this beautiful family to grow more love and hope with them! I hope you will also pray for them and support them!
To read more and support the Piper’s adoption Journey, visit this link
Finally, one more family who we would love to share today that we feel so honored to be coming alongside in love and support is the Kogan Family. This special family is a shining example of God’s love and light!
From Kenley Cogan :
“We are the Cogan family! My name is Kenley, and I’m the eldest sister/daughter in our crew! I have 6 siblings right now, 2 biological and 4 who joined our family through the blessing of adoption. We are currently in the process of bringing my newest brother and sister home, and we can’t wait!! S, my sister, is 16, and my brother V is 14. We are so thankful to be able to be the family who has the blessing of watching them blossom! We have hosted them twice (they came to stay with our family for a few weeks at a time) and we are all counting the days until we can be a forever family.

We are humbled to get to witness their miracles of stepping out in courageous LOVE and blind faith! This is the Father’s heart!”
To read more and support this precious family’s journey of love and brave hope, you can visit their page at this link
As you can see from these beautiful stories of love that YOUR support has truly grown MORE HOPE for those who need it!
Be sure to follow our FB page so you can read more about our other special LGGF Grant families: here: https://www.facebook.com/wildflowerHopeBlog/
We are hoping to be able to give more grants, and send another donation to Lily’s House on Gianna’s Heaven day on April 22, 2020 to honor her forever Life. You can learn more about how Lily’s House was first birthed by watching this video:
Lily’s love and care saved our Gianna’s Life over 6 years ago in China when she was an orphaned infant struggling to survive with a broken heart and a deadly infection of bacterial meningitis. Lily fought for her life and if it weren’t for this brave fight for hope, we would have never had the beautiful gift of getting to be Gianna’s forever family. We want to see these miracles multiply and overflow into many more orphan’s lives who need specialized medical care that can not be given in orphanages. Lily’s House Foster Home is a house of HOPE and we want to help support this miracle growing mission!
Gianna’s Miracles Grow on Forever.

Our beautiful Gianna Lilyfaith, Oh how we miss her so very much. We know her miracles Grow on Forever and her brave life grows our lives forever! We will forever ache until the day we embrace her again. In fact, it is this fierce ache that keeps us living with an eternal perspective for the things that truly matter in this vapor of a life! God has untethered us from this earth and all it’s appeal and affections and He has anchored us to the treasures that are stored up in heaven. Eternity is what truly matters and souls are forever. God is giving us glimpses into eternity by the miracles we get to see on earth.
Will you please consider helping us fund more miracles in honor of our heart warrior as we recognize Heart Awareness Month. We currently have a live Fundraiser going on now at this link that you can use to donate to our fund!
We are so thankful for the ways our Gia’s light continues to shine! You can read more about her story here at this link. Your gift today has the power to be multiplied into a hope-giving, mountain-moving miracle that saves a child’s life!
THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY and thank you for helping us to honor our Gianna’s BIG brave forever life!
**PLEASE SHARE this fundraiser to grow her memorial fund and multiply the miracles of love and Hope!
You can learn more Here: https://wildflowerhope.com/introducing-live-gia-grow-forever-fund/