"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

Happy Birthday EB!

I can’t believe that Friday my handsome little man will be 7. Ethan, you are growing up so fast, and my heart aches and jumps for joy all at the same time! When you were a little baby, we just knew that God must have special purposes and plans for you someday. For he gave you these HUGE beautiful eyes and an even bigger smile that you had to actually grow into. Even then, we knew that God made you to make others happy. What fun you are! You are such a bright light in this house. You have a smile that goes on for miles, and a heart as big as the world! Mommy and daddy are so glad that God chose YOU to be our “oldest” boy! That is such an important position to have in a family and you are so good at it!! You are a caretaker, a teacher, a protector (especially with your new light saber), you’re a peacemaker, a giver, and you are definitely an encourager! Ethan, there is just something about you that makes everyone else happy. You just don’t have one mean bone in your whole body!

Helaina adores you , Ashton follows you, Isabella laughs with you, Mommy and daddy treasure you and every ounce of your personality! God gave you a gift of a silly, goof-ball, loving nature and that is what draws others to you. That is what makes you special…..your heart, so big and so genuine. We thank God everyday for our beautiful, bright- eyed boy and for the gift you are to this family. We are beyond blessed to be your mommy and daddy. Happy Birthday EB! We Love you.

0 thoughts on “Happy Birthday EB!

  1. What beautiful pictures for an equally lovely tribute. Happy Birthday Ethan!Jo, thanks for the facebook message. :o)

  2. Happy Birthday, Ethan!I’ll never forget hanging out with you the night before he was born. Do you remember? We went and got dog food at Wal.mart. It was the last thing you had to do before you felt prepared for him.It’s hard to believe that was 7 years ago. What a bright and happy kid he’s become. Give him hugs from us!!

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