"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

Happy Birthday my sweet EB!

Ethan Brian, your heart is one of the BIGGEST I know! I can’t believe I GET to be YOUR mom and watch you grow and mature even more each year! I love your sensitive and gentle spirit, and I love how you love others.  You have such a servant’s heart, you are always wanting to help those around you. I am just so thankful and grateful to have you as my OLDEST SON! Happy 11th Birthday and keep being YOU! God made you SO SO Special for a VERY special purpose in this world! One of those purposes is to be such  a HUGE blessing to this family! WE LOVE YOU!

We had so much fun celebrating YOU!

reaction upon seeing your decorated kitchen and COOKIE CAKE!!!

The celebration started with an awesome “Minecraft slumber party” with a special friend! They got to go to the movies and stay up late playing their favorite computer game!

two boys focusing on their minecrafting skills….one little girl joining the party!LOL

We then had a Family Birthday party/ Tahlia baptism party (will write a post about that VERY special day later). Ethan enjoyed every moment of it!

A very fun gift from Nana and Pop-POp!!!

I love seeing the love of siblings!!! And, how they go out of their way to bless eachother on their birthdays! It blesses my socks off ! They know each other so well, and know exactly what will make each other smile!:)

Helaina bought Ethan Silly String, He LOVES silly string!

Isabella bought Ethan Ipod accessories!! He LOVES his IPOD!

Ashton wanted SO SO badly to get Ethan a gift to give on his actual birthday. He had some money to contribute, but he asked if I could help him purchase something that HE JUST KNEW ETHAN WOULD LOVE!!! He wanted so passionately for Ethan to have this ONE thing!

In fact, after we bought it, he wanted to wrap it right away and he was BURSTING at the seems to give it to him! He couldn’t wait till his bday, he just HAD to give it to him the night before!

Well, I must say, Ashy nailed it! Ethan LOVED LOVED LOVED it! Well, they all did!


Now, they can play as many times as they want, w/o wasting mommy and daddy’s money! LOL

Happy Birthday my sweet EB!! We love you SO SO SO SO much, all the way to the moon and back times infinity! 😉

One thought on “Happy Birthday my sweet EB!

  1. I have NO idea how I missed your giant summer post! I read about the big surprise and getting away from FB and then came today to see this birthday post and I thought…wait a minute?! When did T get her lip repaired??! I had so much fun seeing all of the great pics from summer! You guys really soaked up every minute. I love seeing the joy in your family! Tahlia's lip/nose look amazing!!!

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