It was Sunday night and I was on my knees praying that God would move our “dossier” into the “reviewed” stage, which is what needs to happen before you can get Letter of Approval (LOA).
Every stage of paperwork in this journey is just is so exhausting and draining, but usually has with it an expected time of waiting till the next anticipated step….which can keep a small degree of sanity, small…..
Well, not this step. It makes a mama mad. insane. crazy town all the way, people! I am not kidding!
China does not really have completely dependable timelines for LOA wait, nor patterns nor rhythms. As soon as you think you are seeing a predictable pattern, something goes and changes and throws everything off.
For instance, you see waiting parents getting LOA in 40 something days…then, you hear of some waiting parents waiting well over 70-80-90 days! ugh! ITS NOT FAIR!
So, each week, day, minute that goes by with NO WORD from China is a reminder that your paperwork could TOTALLY be in that awful LONG WAIT pile.
All I can think is…”I have GOT TO GET TO MY GIRL HOME!!”
So, Tuesday rolls around….no word. We, as a family, along with friends continue to pray for God to move this mountain and we believe in faith it will happen.
Wednesday morning: no word from my agency. So discouraged….feeling so anxious.
But, then God slams me with HIS word…His comforting word that reminds me WHO really IS IN CONTROL…not China, but the all powerful sovereign God who chose beautiful Gianna Lilyfaith to be in our forever family from the beginning of time.
He took me straight to this passage:
“I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come.
I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.’
From the east I summon a bird of prey; from a far-off land, a man to fulfill my purpose.
What I have said, that I will bring about; what I have planned, that I will do.” (Is. 46-10-11)
 His promises immediately washed away any fears. He’s totally got this!!!Â
Then, I go to sleep that night with an urgent feeling to keep praying, and believing in total faith that HE WILL DO THIS!Â
Then, God woke me up at 2 am.Â
It was a strange feeling….all I can say was that it was a heavy burden to pray for my dossier. But, this time it was different. I felt like I could see it, or imagine it on a desk in China and I prayed for a specific person to be directed to it to review it. Now, China is working while we are sleeping….so, it was 2 pm there.
So, I prayed that this person would not feel a peace till they reviewed my dossier!! Then, Ashton walks in the room (yes, now at 3am) and tells me that he can’t sleep. I tell him that it’s because God is telling us to pray, so we pray!! Later Isabella told me she awoke at the same time and couldn’t get back to sleep.Â
I woke up that morning expecting a miracle! Well….9am rolls by, 10am, 11am and I assume that my agency would have called with news by then if they had news.Â
Again, disappointment. But….again, i run to HIS WORD. HIS TRUTH. He reminds me HE IS IN CONTROL.Â
Then 5 minutes go by and I am back to wrestling through it. Ugh….
Such a minute to minute re-surrendering.Â
We really do walk by faith and not by sight.
Wellll, long story even longer! I get in my car to go to co-op with Tahlia (kids were already there) and I notice I had just missed a call and it was my agency!
My SW had left a message that WE WERE REVIEWED!!!!!! I just about fainted!!! THEN SCREAMED!! Then told Brian….he was in shock too!
Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” (matt 17:20)
Wow, that God would give us a glimpse into the complete radical power of prayer!
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this is precious! I love how her son was with Gia! And it seems little Miss is gonna like having a couple awesome brothers!! Thanks Brady!!! |
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I think my heart has left my chest……this photo, this embrace jut  hits this mama hard!
I love you, dear friend, Â for loving my girl and being my arms when I can’t get be there to embrace her…. |