"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

Helaina’s finished products

As promised, here is Helaina’s Kindergarten creation book and time line. She had so much fun making this and she really put a lot of time into it. I got a kick out of how much thought she puts into choosing that absolute PERFECT color for each iullustration.

And we musn’t forget our Preschooler Ashton who is currently learning his shapes! Here he is holding his book that he made this week! He is very proud!

We had such a great first week and it was wonderful just focusing on her (and little Ashy) alone. I am in for trouble next week when they all come to the table! LOL!

0 thoughts on “Helaina’s finished products

  1. Love it! What a proud gal and beautiful final product!I have a friend doing MFW for the first time with a kindergartener this year – gonna send her your blog!

  2. Oops…forgot to mention A-man. Could he possibly be any cuter. His hair is EXACTLY like my brother Stephen’s was when he was little. SO adorable.

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