After a month of serial castings and surgeries, pain and trauma and tears, and 4 years of playing on her back, watching the world run and walk on by her, and never being able to stand upright and play on her sweet ballerina feet…..
We finally arrived at the glorious unveiling of Eviemira’s miraculous new feet. The feet that had to be broken to be remade…. the new feet that will help her walk one glorious day!
The feet that will dance on the heights!

If you are new here, you can read about her Clubfeet casting journey here
This day has truly been emotional.
We came in over 4 weeks ago with these precious, tiny and broken ballerina feet for her casting journey. A journey that held a hope of future ballet recitals, and farm-romps through the fields chasing her chickens and goats and picking all the wildflowers. A hope to run through her creek and catch all the frogs and butterflies!

See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland.
(Is. 43:19)
Because of Eviemira’s history with medical trauma, her team agreed that giving her “day meds” would help the process of cast removal to be less terrible and agonizing for her.
As soon as we pulled up to the hospital, she yelled “no cast off!… no doctor!”
But, once we got into the room, she settled down when we told her we were there just to say “hi” and take some medicine.
We all opted for the route of just trying “Versed” meds instead of going “under” since it was a safer route as our little rockstar has been fighting a virus all week.
Well, it worked!!! PRAISE GOD!!!!
We are so thankful that Eviemira was super calm under this medicine’s effects and she did not scream at all when they were sawing off her cast! It was a HUGE answer to prayer and a huge difference from her terrifying screams from past removals! Thank you to the many prayer warriors who were praying! We are so grateful!
Once they removed the cast, we dropped the “blanket wall” and revealed the tiny BIG miracles!
IN AWE!!!!!
The whole room clapped and gasped at the NEW beautiful before us!
We all had a good tear-session seeing her new straighter feet…. Even JunJun kept staring at all the miracles!
Aren’t they beautiful!!!!!!
First here is a before shot:

Beautiful then….
her …
a NEW Beautiful!
LOOK! God is doing something new!

She is so brave…. and those feet….those glorious new feet take our breath away.
Unfortunately, we realized that our poor baby girl had a huge pressure wound on her ankle that was under her casts. It was a large blister that must have given her so much added pain the past couple weeks of her last cast. This explains why she would wake up in the middle of the night screaming, “owwww!”
Precious, brave warrior.
We will be treating this wound and we can already tell that she is so much more comfortable without the cast pressure on that vulnerable spot.
After we allowed the meds to wear off some, she then got fitted for her new miracle shoes: her AFO (ankle foot orthotics) that she will wear while she sleeps and her KAFO’s (knee ankle foot orthotics) that she will wear for the majority of the day. These have a locking mechanism in the joint to help adjust, stretch and straighten the knee. These braces will also serve to stretch her feet and continue to move them to the most optimal and functional positions. The braces will be her next pathway to her walking miracles!
Her NEW shoes are covered with stars and ballerinas, of course <3 !

Currently our girl’s feet and legs are superrrrrr sensitive and there were lots of tears when we got home as she was trying to adjust to the stiffness of being out of her casts.
She did LOVE her bath, though, and she was thrilled to feel the water again on her legs! She also loved her gentle lotion massage as her poor legs are so dry and cracked and irritated from the many casts. We are slowly hoping to desensitize her tender new feet to touch again.

It truly is amazing to watch her miracles bloom.
She has a long road of therapy and work ahead of her, but she wants this more than anyone else and we believe in the miracles to come! We will cheer her on every precious, glorious step up this mountain of faith!
I can’t contain my amazement for what God is doing before our very eyes! What a huge honor to be “her” family and get to cheer our baby on as God makes her feet able to leap to the high places!
God is doing something new and it is such an incredible gift to watch our girl’s dreams of dancing one day starting to come true!
Truly a miracle!
Thank you for your prayers and thank you for rejoicing with us in this NEW Beautiful miracle!!!

The LORD my Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like those of a deer and enables me to walk on mountain heights!
(Habakuk 3:19)
“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news “Romans 10:15. What amazing progress in a few weeks and while we know the road will be hard with all the PT and other treatments, she is taking a first step and we are so thankful to the Lord!
Oh my! How Beautiful! Tears here on this end as well.