"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

her room….

Tahlia officially has a room….uhhh…I mean, a “corner” (of big sissy’s room) to call her own! ummm, pay no attention to the missing drawer knob, completely fogot about that! 🙂 In just two weeks she will no longer lay her head down in her orphan’s bed. She will be our daughter. We will bring her home to her family, and her new bed. (not sure how she will actually take to her new bed, or even take to “sleep” for that matter…but, at least her room will look good!)

I had decided that the children’s book: “Guess How Much I Love You” Would be my inspiration. The vinyl lettering was bought from Tawnya Designs on Etsy! She is wonderful, and she does custom lettering in any color and too many fonts to count! I actually won this item for free through The Purposeful Giveaways contests! You simply go to this blog and enter the drawings simply by leaving a comment under the post that is highlighting the item to be given away!

So…back to the book. When my kids were all babies, I would read this book to them and it always reminded me of the conversations I had with my mommy when I was little. I have fond memories of sitting on her lap and playing the “guess how much I love you” game and always feeling so loved after that conversation with her. She would always beat me in the game.:) LOL! She usually loved me “a WHOLE WIDE world full…and more,” and I would just give up and surrender to her encompassing love. She had a way of making me feel so nurtured and safe. It was the most cozy, warm and fuzzy feeling ever! And, so I often would play this same competitive “love” game with my kiddies…usually accompanied by lots of tickles and kisses.

so….LOVE: That is what I want Tahlia to feel everyday. GOSH, do we ever so love that sweet Asian princess of ours!!!

We hope all our kids always feel……LOVED, LOVED, LOVED, unconditionally…and that they never doubt it, ever! But, when our love fails (as human love is never perfect) or doesn’t mend the brokenness that they may each possibly feel one day, or fill the hole of their hearts as life sometimes brings many dissappointments. Then, I pray they will turn to their Father in heaven who is ever drawing them each to Himself. The one who can perfectly fill and mend each heart. Our prayers are for each of our children to NEVER doubt our love, but even more than that, we pray they always knows how treasured, cherished and loved they are by their Father in heaven. His love is always PERFECT! His love can beat ANY “Guess How Much I Love You” game!

“I have loved you with an everlasting love;
I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.”
~Jer. 31:3

This name print was created by my best friend, Julie (aunt Ju-Ju):). Isn’t it beautiful!

Here’s an up-close shot of the precious bedding that I found on Ebay for $25.00 (including shipping) SCORE!!

Helaina and I made this….a fun little craft that actually turned out! 🙂

(again, missing knob)

I can’t wait to see her little fuzzy head with her sweet big brown eyes in that warm bed!

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