Honestly? Well, I had a hard time this year with the summer being over, and a new school year starting. Even with the excitement of opening new school supplies a week ago, it still hadn’t hit me that school was starting! You would think that after 7 years (above pic) of this that I would be able to accept the end of summer and the start of a new year. I don’t really know why this year was different. Why my fire wasnt really lit to start again so soon? We just had so many awesome memories of this summer (that hopefully I will get around to blogging about in the future) that it was hard to let it go and close it up….and embrace a new season…. embrace “structure” again!
Monday was my Sweet Ethan’s 10th birthday. And, in this house the rule is NO HOMESCHOOL on birthdays!! So, we decided to go out to breakfast as a family at Friendly’s to celebrate my boy!
But, life is about change and new seasons. And, once we got started on Tuesday…I was reminded of why the FIRST days of school are so exciting! hmmm, well….Ashy woke up bright and early (my eager first grader) saying “yipee, yipee, yipee!!!!” LOL
It was just the encouragement that I needed! And, it set the tone for the whole day!! My fire for school suddenly got IGNITED!! “YIPEE!!!!” 😉
I decided that each morning will start with State/capitals Bingo to get them to the table. And, when they hear those 10 M&M’s being poured out at each seat, well….let’s just say they come a runnin’! Sure beats flashcards for drilling!HA!
For the first day they traditionally make a cover for their portfolio binder. They were given the assignment to draw their favorite summer memory or memories!
Ashy’s favorite summer memory: Waterslides while camping at Jelly Stone
Helaina’s fav memory: Same as Ashy’s
Ethan’s fav memory: Playing with his best friend: Alex
Isabella had SO many favorite memories!:))
These are some more snapshots of our first couple of days:
Above: I call this Ashy’s “dreamy face” LOL
And, on thursday we had our first day of GCA homeschool classes. I can’t believe this is our 8th year in this co-op. And, each year I am reminded of HOW much of a blessing this group of people are in our lives. There is just something real special about a bunch of moms getting together with the sole idea and purpose of educating, growing, serving and learning with each other’s children…feels kinda like village life. I’m so grateful.
And, we JUST LOVE that break in our week. The kids get to use their backpacks (ooops, or “messenger bags”) and their lunch boxes. They get to walk to classes with their friends…and they get the chance to be under other teacher’s instruction besides myself. 🙂
Lucy wants to be in the pics too!
HE is SO excited to be taking KungFu this year with his big bro!
ready for dance!!!
So, these are some observations and random thoughts: (ME STOPPING TO SMELL THE FLOWERS)
1) My Isabella is such a HUGE help with the other kids, she taught each of them how to do their mad libs and kept Ashy occupied when I worked with another sibling. She has really always been like this, willing to help and drop everything for you. But, as she matures I see even more so that beautiful heart of service in her. I praise God that I get to witness it.
2)Ashy is ALWAYS right at the table with us this year….very much wanting to do EVERYTHING that his brother and sister’s are doing. And, this year he really CAN do it all!! I love his eagerness to learn and to be with his family. I love that they are all together at the table learning together….even if we have to take LOTS Of “peace-making lesson” breaks! LOL
3) Over the years, I have made “lunch time/chapter book read-alouds” very important, we finished “The Rats of Nimh” on Wednesday and there is always such a feeling of accomplishment to have gotten through a new book together as a family ( IT IS AN ACCOMPLISHMENT with wiggly kids)LOL
4) We take family walks and bike/scooter rides after table time in the morning before they break off to their individual work. I have found that this is a REAL sanity saver. Something about the sunlight and fresh air! Yeah, gonna keep that up!
5) NOTE TO SELF: Must wake up early. AShy loves to sit down with me first and get started on his stuff (just me and him) before everyone else is even done breakfast.
6)Trying to cherish this first four months of schooling (the calm before the storm) before our little Tahlia comes home and turns it all upside down! LOL. **we can’t wait!**
7) In the summer I really don’t do much of anything academically with the kids (bad mommy) unless you count outdoorsy experiences! So, gettin’ back to reading and cuddling on the couch with a book, and researching stuff together, and discovering together, making correct letters on paper, adding/subtracting… etc….just makes me feel like a better mom and a more productive mom….(just sayin’)
8) Ethan is an amazing reader!! HE has taken off!!! Especially in the area of spelling! I SEE FRUIT of the hard labor!
9) Helaina is an independent reader FINALLY!!!! WHOOHOO!!!! She was my slow bloomer…so, you can imagine my excitement!
10) Ashton is a FAST learner!! That boy is smarter than a whip! He is already reading!
11) Isabella is My helper in “Horsmanship” a class I teach to sweet little girls on thurs’s! She is the BEST helper ever!!! So eager to do whatever I ask! SO thankful for our time together!
12) I sure am one blessed momma!! To think that each of these beautiful kids are mine….WOW!They are such gifts. I love their little quirks, their facial expressions, their ideas, their passions, their strengths, their ability to overcome their weaknesses.
13) I MUST take each day as a gift and collect the moments like treasures in a box….(Just remind me of this post when certain children are having melt downs under certain tables over certain math problems 😉 )
See, that is the gift of homeschooling…..the real reason I homeschool, so we can pause life, slow it down and enjoy each other…so we can take the time to smell the flowers, and create memories around the table…..so I can go at “our speed” and capture each moment….good or bad.
I am thankful for this season of life, so thankful…..these really are the days! Its just sometimes a little hard to remember that at 6:45 in the morning when the alarm goes off! HA!
Wonderful JOhanna- I need more time to capture the moments these days too, but they are many and they are good!
Have a great year girl!
Just a thought, Is it fair to ask the government(US Taxpayers) to subsidize foreign adoptions. After all a refundable credit is essentially a WELFARE payment. Pres Obama got the credit changed from nonrefundable to refundable but if he tries to extend it the Republicans will probably block it, so I do hope it happens this year for you. Isn't this credit also a redistribution of wealth as conservative talk radio puts it. Don't get me wrong any child moved from a God-Awful orphanage in an impoverished country to a loving Christian family like yourselves is a good thing and should be applauded. The government does need to get rid of all the freebees and giveaways if it wants to fix the debt because if the USA goes bankrupt and the dollar collapses, No Americans will be adopting any children from poor countries.