"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

How can it be???

How can it be that you love someone you haven’t met?
How can it be that you feel the void of someone you’ve never held or touched?
How can one photo, of someone you haven’t seen in person, bring you to tears?
How can it be that you overflow for motherly instinct for someone you haven’t carried in your own belly?
How can it be that you MISS LIKE CRAZY someone you have never even seen?

I have one answer: It’s the miracle of adoption. Tahlia isn’t growing in my belly, but she is growing in our hearts. We are overwhelmed by a fierce and passionate love for her that is too strong to even put into words.

My kids have it too. They will randomly make statements throughout the day like this: “I want Tahlia!” “I want to hold my sister!” “I miss Tahlia….How much longer???”

She is even being born in her waiting siblings’ hearts too. Wow.

I know she is safe, and she is well taken care of….and that brings such comfort. But, oh…how our hearts ache to be with her. To hold her. To rock her. To look into her eyes and tell her how much she is loved.
The wait for our LOA is hard…it’s like a long pause, where we can’t do anything except wait. As soon as that comes, things get rolling quickly to get us to China (2.5-3 months from LOA).

To help with the waiting, and to help us feel closer to her, we decided to send a care package to her. We could send it ourselves but, we opted to use Ann at RedThread.
She will send it directly for us in China. She is Chinese and has worked with these orphanages for 5 years now. Her cost is similiar to what we would spend sending it ourselves, but its much faster, and direct! She will also get you updated photos, and translate a personal letter to the orphanage from you. Unforunatley, there is a 400 word limit: So here is what we sent:

Dear Nannies of Nan Xiu Xiu
We want to thank you for taking such wonderful care of sweet Xiu Xiu. We feel very honored to be adopting her soon. We already love her so much in our hearts. She has 2 brothers and 2 sisters here at home who can’t wait to hug and kiss her! Thank you for all you do for her. Please kiss her for us and tell her we are coming soon!
her waiting family
Once we get our LOA, then we will send a more personal care package directly from us, but this was just something to hold us off till then….and allow us a little more feeling of connectedness to her!
In her package is:
1) a disposable camera so they can take pics of her in her orphanage to be returned to us at Gotcha day
3) a blanket
4) a dollie
5) candies for her nannies
6)a translated letter

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