"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

I800A SENT!!!!

A lot of friends have been asking where we are in the adoption process, and for a few weeks we were in the “WAIT” stage, where we are unable to do ANYTHING because we are “waiting” on someone else. In this situation, we were waiting for the finalization of our homestudy, and for it to be mailed to us. We couldn’t send our I800A immigration application off. I800A you say? What is that? I don’t know…I’m told its “Application for determination of Suitability to adopt from a Convention Country”. Clear as mud? 😉 Basically it gives us approval to adopt from China.

Anyways, we couldn’t send of this I800A till we had the FINALIZED homestudy in our hands. So, you can imagine the joy in this house when it FINALLY arrived via FEDEX truck on Thursday! WOHOO!

Ashton was so cute, he said “Can we go get baby Tahlia now???” I had to explain that it would still be some time before mommy and daddy could go to China to get her, but we were moving along!!

So, we didn’t waste any time, we mailed off our I800A on Friday! and…..now…..we are back to “waiting“…I am finding that there is a LOT of that in this journey. Great news that we are moving along, but the bad news is that it could take up to 60 days for approval (pray its shorter). That’s just so long! 🙁 However, as soon as that approval comes we can send dossier to China and shortly after be matched to our little girl.
As much as we WANT so badly to get to that part of the process, to know who she is, and to finally see the photo of the one that weighs so heavily on our hearts, we know that God is in control. We have to trust Him. God’s timing is perfectly orchestrated to get us to her, because He knows who she is. He knows EXACTLY when our paths are supposed to cross.
So we wait. (I just hope it doesn’t have to be 60 days….maybe pray it’s 45?) 😉

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