I can not wait till the day I can share ice-cream with my baby girl again….
 thank you for praying…
She had a great night post-OP…holding steady.
The first 24 hours are crucial and sensitive. They are again watching every number like a hawk!
Please continue to pray that her heart agrees with all it’s upgrades and pumps efficiently and regains a good rhythm.
 Her numbers are looking really encouraging. …thank God..
The Summary from Rounds this morning is that Gianna is just to REST today…..grow strong for the battle of recovery ahead.
We are praying her battle is less strenuous this go-’round, now they made her heart more efficient!
They are keeping her very cool with a thermal blanket.
Her brand new valve shows no regurgitation at this time, and seems to be working well! PRAISE GOD!
More praises:
Her White cell blood count when down a tad, which is SO much better than going UP!
No more cultures are growing (just battling a staph and strep bug)
She is still being PACED electronically but with evidence of possible good underlying rhythm, so she may not need a permanent Pace maker, pray she doesn’t!
it does not look like her kidney and liver are showing signs of failure due to the long bypass pump run, SO thankful to hear this!!!
ALL in all….she is doing well, considering the craziness of yesterday, the battling infection, high fevers and the HIGH risk surgery…
I am feeling a bit “stunned” this morning, and very much having a hard time processing the last 36 hours of events.
My heart is rejoicing to hold my baby girl’s hand, squeeze it, kiss her cheeks and feel a new sense of renewed HOPE for her…
Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love,Â
for I have put my trust in you. Â (psalm 143:8)
Yesterday was dark and rainy. ….so scary ….the words that kept haunting my mind was “You need to be aware this is a HIGH risk surgery”
(hate that sentence)
She went into surgery very compromised …….and worn, but after many hours of deliberation the team agreed that her heart needed fixing right then.
And, what a miracle:
While in there they discovered yet another hole that needed repairs. This hole was not detected on her echo.
GOD knew they needed to get in there.
I am so thankful for a new day……
I felt like I was going to fall down when they wheeled my baby girl away….they kept assuring me that she was in good hands.
 I just kept thinking, “is this really happening again??”
I just kept repeating to myself…”JESUS KEEP HER STRONG, PLEASE Jesus hold her heart!”
I prayed for the surgeon before he went back….
And, I had to keep reminding myself ” she is in GOD’s MIGHTY HANDS….”
I had to continuously surrender my fears to the Lord and return to HIS haven of peace. He kept reminding me, HE HAS A PLAN….wait….be strong and wait and trust.
I am so thankful I had a dear friend holding my hand while I waited the long 6 hours and she would  stop often to pray over me….God knew I needed strong arms to hold me up and distract me and giggle with me at the most random of things…..
BUT…TODAY the sun is shining again on my baby girl.
It poured through our window like a flood and didn’t relent this morning!
SUCH a tangible visual truth that HE IS literally SHINING on her and I… reminding us that HE will come through on HIS promises…and to trust the bumpy road to HIM.
“He is like the light of morning at sunrise on a cloudless morning, like the brightness after rain that brings grass from the earth.’
(2 Sam 23:4)
Oh me of little faith….
I AM IN AWE of His wondrous acts!
…and I am more than humbled and grateful for the GREAT ARMY of prayer warriors that were covering us in those scary moments yesterday, you were a BIG part of her miracle……