"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

Introducing….Tahlia (middle name TBD)…and LID!!!

We got AWESOME news today, we NOW have our LID! Yes, another acronym! LOL….this one means that our Dossier (aka: HUGE pile of authenticated and sealed papers that represented months of sweat and tears) was LOGGED IN!!!!!

Yes, China has officially logged us into their computer system.

I was getting worried, because we had sent our Dossier off to China on July 29 and hadn’t heard anything….over two weeks!!

So, naturally….being the ever so patient person that I am NOT….I called my agency and asked if they had heard anything! The next day (today) I got an email stating that they just learned our Dossier was logged in on AUGUST 2!!!!! Just 4 days after sending it to them!!

THAT IS SUPER FAST!! We were praying specifically for this to happen, even though we hadn’t heard anything, we were praying!!!!

So, that means we have already clocked in over 2 weeks of the LONG LOA (letter of acceptance) wait. The LOA could take as short as 30 days, or it could take as long as 100 days.

PLEASE PRAY WE GET A SPEEDY LOA, so we can get our baby girl by Christmas!!!!

So, here it was July 4th when we first saw our baby girl. Here is the post all about that: WE know who she is!!

Ok, enough of the chit-chat….cause, here are the pics of our baby girl!! The first three are the ones that we first received with her file, when we first looked into her beautiful brown eyes and just knew we were looking at our daughter.

The next 4 are more recent ones, updated that they sent to us a few days after accepting the referral….taken over a month ago when she was 15 months old.

I just love that sweet sweet round face, we are so blessed!!! Thank you GOD for this beautiful girl who waits half way around the world for her family. Please LORD,Keep her safe, nurtured, cuddled and loved till we come and scoop her up!!!! Amen!

These were her first pics!

I want to tickle those tootsies!!!!

When we first saw this pic, we thought she looked scared…then as we studied it longer, we realized that she isn’t scared, she is smiling at us!!! Pretty baby!

This photo was such an answered prayer, because the fact that she is standing is HUGE!!! This means that she is developmentally on track!! This is rare for children in orphanages. And, someone (an angel, we believe) is working with her daily to make sure she meets special milestones! We actually learned that this is very true. A foundation called “Half the Sky” works with this specific orphanage to train the nannies to ensure that special care/playtime/ and nurturing is given to the babies! ANOTHER ANSWER TO PRAYER!!

We just want to kiss those cheeks!!!! And, that fine, wispy hair ….can NOT wait to feel that sweetness on my cheek! Oh, and if you look closely, you’ll see little drool drips on her chin. I am melting with love!

Her update said that she weighs just 15 pounds, but I see a little bit of chub on those arms and cheeks!!! My heart aches to hold her and rock her, feed her and sing in her ear that mommy, daddy, sissies and brothers love her very very much, thank GOD for her and can’t wait to see her! OH, this wait is so hard!! Every maternal bone in my body wants to GO TO HER NOW!!

But, we trust GOD….He loves her even more than we do, He will keep her safe and lead us to her in His perfect timing!! He’s certainly brought us this far, and HE’S NOT DONE!

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