"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

Is my God big enough? (pillow talk)

(laying in bed, tossing uncomfortably)

Jo: “So, ya think we’ll ever get a new bed…the KING bed we’ve always wanted (one that doesn’t dip down 2 feet in the middle)?”

Bri: “I hope so! But, not anytime soon with all the expenses ….ya know, tires on both cars for example, rotors for my truck …..sure hope we get a lot of grants.”

Jo: “what if we get no grants?”

Bri: “then I guess we’ll have a lot of debt (in his sleepy voice)”

Jo: “well, a lot of people have debt ….debt from lavish cars, boats, multiple vacations, timeshares, houses that could fit four families…but, our debt….our debt would be for our child.”

***silence***….. while Jo turns the conversation over a million times in her head, even toys with the idea of blogging about it 😉 because she simply CAN NOT put it to rest……and Brian, well he starts …..ummmm, snoring….

“why am I a doubter?? Why do I worry? Oh, and why can’t I just turn off my brain like that and go to sleep??? So not fair!!” LOL
See, when Brian and I were praying about adoption, the only obstacle that was standing in the way was money….well, like 28,000 of money. But, then we realized…..if money was the only obstacle, then our God was too small. And, we know He isn’t! We decided that we would not let money be our god and decider of our life decisions….we were not going to give it that kind of power over our lives. If its God’s will for us to adopt, then He will make a way financially! So, I am laying aside my “late-night doubtings” and claiming the promises of my God, who laid this scripture on my heart when we decided to move forward in this adoption:


(Luke 1:45)
So, we move forward in Faith….and expectancy! He is THAT big!

So we’ll trust…..and, I will go to sleep….and PRAY, pray for some GRANTS!!! 😉

*** Now that our homestudy is finalized (THANK GOD), we are starting the process of applying for these grants (a very involved process), so if you could pray for us…we’d be so grateful!! Thank you!***

“O Sovereign LORD, you have begun to show to your servant your greatness and your strong hand. For what god is there in heaven or on earth who can do the deeds and mighty works you do? (Deut. 3:24)

0 thoughts on “Is my God big enough? (pillow talk)

  1. Johanna,

    He is big enough! Both of our adoptions were almost completely funded by church family and friends. Don't be afraid to ask those around you for help. We thought of it as a ransom. Grafted Families has some good resources for you if you are interested, plus I've got lots of ideas 🙂 We'd love to come along side you all!

  2. Praying for you all as you journey through the process. I too wish at many times I can turn off my brain, but when I can't, I look at it as treasured time to pray. Thanks for sharing your journey with us.

  3. Johanna, I'm sure you've already heard of Mark and Kelly's new Sparrow Fund to help with the expense of medical reviews. Keep that one in mind. We met Kelly and Mark while in China and enjoy seeing them from time to time. They are one amazing couple!

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