"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1


I just loved this moment, and I was so glad to capture it with my camera. Isabella loved sharing her lapbook with Pop-Pop Marty….but, what I loved most of all is the appreciation that I see in her eyes of Pop-pop Marty(who is her great grandfather) and her desire to share what she is learning with him. She enjoyed getting his reactions and hearing his opinions. He enjoyed looking at her lapbook and even filled Isabella in with interesting facts about Williamsburg (which is where we will be going at the end of the school year to culminate our America studies). I am so grateful that Isabella gets the privilege of knowing her Great Grandparents. They are really special to her and us!

I also want to share a poem that Isabella wrote in school this week (she’s loves “poetry Mondays”): It’s called “Money Can’t Buy Everything”

Money Can’t Buy Everything

Money can’t buy everything
It can’t buy a way to heaven
and it can’t buy Jesus
It can’t buy salvation
and it certainly can not
buy a way out of temptation

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