"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

Isabella’s Summer Camp!

Can you guess where she spent a whole week 9-4 each day? Yup, where else but on top of a horse.

Isabella got to do summer camp at Tailwinds and she had a blast! She got to ride 2x/day, clean out stalls (oh yes, this is part of it), trail ride, drive a carriage, wash horses, groom horses, learn everything about horses, arts and crafts, and the best part: be in a horse show (where she won first place in a cantering jump)! She had such a memorable experience and met a lot of new friends as well!

0 thoughts on “Isabella’s Summer Camp!

  1. That camp couldn’t have been more perfect for her. She looks like a pro now!BTW, I was looking through some old pics the other day and found the one of me holding her when she was a newborn. I can’t believe that tiny baby is the same person as this growing-way-too-fast little girl. *sigh*

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