As you may know already, we are so thankful to God to be adopting our sweet baby girl from China. And while we are waiting (actually CHOMPING AT THE BIT) to bring Tahlia home from China… we are trying to raise funds for the extensive costs of international adoption, and one way is our SUPER FUN “Summer Photography Giveaway!!”
Ok….I am SO thrilled to reveal this month’s famous and amazing photographer who is generously giving away her photography package to ONE lucky winner!!!!
Before I reveal her….just take a look at this amazing sample of her work…..aren’t these pics just gorgeous!!!???
like they popped out of a magazine!

Ok….do I have your interest yet?? :)) Are you ready for me to reveal who she is……….
Our photographer is………
……drum roll…….
Some of you have had the opportunity to work personally with her, or have seen the photos she has taken of friends….they really do take your breath away! Every photo she takes TRULY is a piece of unique art work, seriously!!! She has such a gift!! And, I am just so excited!!!
Ok, now for the BEST PART!!!
*****One person will win Kaila’s photo package! Which is worth $200.00!!!!!!!!!!*******
-a One- Hour Photo Shoot (SO MUCH FUN)
– a Disc of around 50 edited images from the shoot (ISN’T THAT FABULOUS!!!)
-an Image Release! (which means you can print out as many of these beautiful treasured photos as you want!!)
Wouldn’t it be awesome to get a photo shoot this fall, outdoors with your family among all the beautiful changing leaf colors!!!!
…just in time for the holidays too!!!
OK, So HOW DO YOU ENTER THE GIVEAWAY???? Well, here are the rules:
To enter into the contest you will need to purchase an entry or entries. ONE entry is $5.00 or you can buy “3” entries for THREE chances to win for $10.00.
***You have the choice to enter in one of 3 ways, just choose ONE way (I changed it up a bit)***
1 ) You can enter via my blog with a comment with your email address. NOTE: you need a comment stating how many entries you purchased. (just need to leave ONE comment this time)
2.) you can email me and make me aware that you entered and paid (via paypal or chip-in) but, let me know how many entries you purchased!! So we can add a ticket to the hat for each entry!
3.) you can leave a comment on my face book post (under my blog link) to let me know that you entered (again, let me know how many entries you purchased!)
(note)** I will be listing all the entries and updating regularly at the bottom of this post
*** In ONE week, on friday, AUGUST 12th at 11:30 pm, we will draw a name from a hat (all video-ed and posted on line!!)
when a winner is randomly chosen from the hat then you will be contacted and sent your gift certificate with your prize! Then, all arrangements for the photo session will be arranged between you and Kaila Regina!
Entries are available NOW to purchase. Just click the SECURE “chip-in” button on the right bar or the Paypal “donate button” on the right side of my blog to enter and donate your ticket purchase. BUT don’t forget to let me know via FB, EMAIL, or via Blog comment how many entries you purchased….
FOR EACH ENTRY : a ticket with your name will be placed in a hat to be randomly drawn from next friday!!
OK, so I know this has been a LONG post, so here is a quick review.
**$5.00 for one entry OR $10.00 for THREE entries!
ENTER AS MANY TIMES AS YOU WANT!!!! ie: 20.00 for 6 entries, 40.00 for 12 entries….:)
**I set up a chipin donation link over there on the sidebar for entry $$. It is secure and helps me to keep better track! You will get a reciept!
** You may also choose the “paypal button”
****But don’t forget to let me know via FB, email, or a comment below that you entered and how many entries!!
All Proceeds for this “giveaway” go towards funding our adoption costs to bring home our little Tahlia!!
Ok, have fun and GOOD LUCK!!!!
donation and desire to be a part of our adoption process! Thank you Kaila!!! xoxox
Entries SO FAR……..I will be updating daily!! 🙂
1) Kelly Frazier (3 entries)
2) Kara Lutz (3 entries)
3) Theresa McMahon (12 entries)
4) Amy Byrd (6 entries)
5) Kary Littleton (6 entries)
6) Jane Hoopman (12 entries)
7) Amber Crossan (9 entries)
8) Dawn Waters (3 entries)
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