"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

Kangaroos and Ben Franklin this week…

We have had a lot of fun learning about Kangaroos with Helaina and Ashton. She in on Letter K with the MFW curriculum and whatever she does….little Ashton is shadowing her every move. Sure hope he doesn’t remember it when it comes time for him to do Kindergarten in 1.5 years.

Well, we were all fascinated by what we learned of baby kangaroos. When a joey is born, its less than an inch long. It crawls up to the mother’s pouch along a path the mother licks in her fur. Once in the pouch, it eats and stays there till it can take care of itself. We also counted out 30 feet, which is how long they can jump! That’s far! So, they got to make a puppet and they learned that just as the mommy kangaroo keeps the baby safe in her pouch, God keeps them safe as well.

In history this week we also learned all about Benjamin Franklin. We read a great picture book and listed all his inventions. The kids were amazed at just how much he actually did invent, like rocking chairs and lightening poles! They also thought it was funny that he tried to have a kite pull him across a river to swim faster!
But, the most important thing they learned was what Ben discovered about Lightening. He proved that lightening is just electricity when he stole lightening out of the sky with his kite, string and key. To remember this, I had them create a poster about Ben. Here are some pics!

Isabella went a step further and wrote a few of Ben Franklin’s famous Almanac sayings on her kite.

0 thoughts on “Kangaroos and Ben Franklin this week…

  1. Those are great!!! I’ve been browsing your blog after reading about the breakfast board on WTM. I love all the crafty things you do with the kids to involve everyone!! Plus I love that board!! I am in the middle of making one for my boys right now. I can’t wait to share pics of it when I’m finished!! So fun!!!Thank you for the inspiration!!

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