“Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” (Luke 18:15-17)
It says in the bible that the kingdom of heaven belongs to little children. I just adore the above verse, it’s Jesus’ words. It shows how much he adores children, and how precious they are to Him.
Have you ever wondered why it is so easy for a child to believe something? They rarely debate or question when you tell them the truth about things. They just accept it and go on their merry way in light of the new knowledge that they now possess. Well, there is something very precious and important about that. The above verse shows that Jesus thinks the faith of a little child is what we need to be able to gain the Kingdom of Heaven. In fact, he says that we need to receive HIS TRUTHS as a little child does. How often do we try and rationalize things, and debate and argue….and talk about WHY something isn’t possible? Where a little child can simply say and believe “WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE”. It’s that faith that can a move a mountain.
Well, upon receiving the amazing news Christmas morning that we were moving forward in our long awaited and prayed for decision to adopt our daughter, our children mobilized right away in a collaborative team effort.
In 2 short days, they pulled all their Christmas money together and collected between them over $400.00!!!! They said that they wanted to be a part of God’s plan to bring their baby sister home. Their faith encourages me and brings me to tears all at the same time. Thank you Jesus for the faith of our little children and for using them in BIG ways to bring home our baby girl.
Wow, Jo! This is wonderful! What a blessing. Your little girl has one fantastic forever family waiting for her. 🙂