"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

Lord, where is she?

The first thing that Brian and I did after we officially decided to start this journey was to pray and seek God’s direction as to where our baby daughter was waiting for us. And each time we would research a country and it’s program, the Lord would gently keep turning our hearts back to the same dot on the map: CHINA. We are feeling called to China, and we believe that our daughter is waiting for us in a specific program called : China Special Needs. These babies wait for families because they have minor correctable needs. These are needs that in America are easily correctable and treatable and do not affect the child’s life. Some examples of these needs are: cleft lip/palate, club foot, minor heart condition, birth mark,etc.

Part of the adoption process is that Brian and I will fill out a check list of the needs that we believe we can accept. Then, when we are referred a child we will be given three days to pray, discuss as a family and review her file and medical history. We would then use that time to consult specialists and doctors. I can’t even imagine the excitement that our hearts will hold when I can finally look into the eyes of our waiting baby girl. We move forward in faith, knowing that our all-knowing and all-powerful God already had her chosen before the beginning of time as he did our first four babies. He will direct our steps and I believe He will move mountains to get us to her! Makes me think of the verse:

Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight
(prov. 3:5,6)

0 thoughts on “Lord, where is she?

  1. Hi Johanna, my sister Erin Hamson sent me a link to your blog. Congrats on your adoption process! What an exciting journey you and your whole family are on! Would be glad to chat with you if you would like to — let me know!

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