"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

LOST: One very special silky yellow blanket

If you have seen Helaina’s yellow blanket please bring it home to her, she misses it very much. Her yellow blanket probably misses her too and will most likely have trouble sleeping without her:-(. Her yellow blanket is an old faded shade of yellow, silky, thread-bare, and you can probably see through it. But, it is very loved and special.
Here’s Helaina hanging “missing posters”

UPDATE: FOUND!!!!! After hours of tears and searching, yellow blanket was rescued from the least expected of all places………behind her bed!!!
Praise God!!!

0 thoughts on “LOST: One very special silky yellow blanket

  1. how wonderful! that is an answer to prayers, huh… i love when things are found!

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