Love notes to heaven….
There’s always a butterfly in Gianna’s garden.
Always light.
Always color. Always beauty. Always fairies. Always birds.
Always something magical and heavenly happening.
We know she’s close.
We know Jesus is close.
We feel heaven touch us on that anointed ground.
We miss all of her and all of her color 😢
😢…We are thankful for this space…
I know she loves it
A couple weeks ago we received our baby caterpillars in the mail and we were excited to raise them to release in Gianna’s garden! It was truly beautiful.
The butterflies symbolize so much hope and joy for us!
They remind us of Gianna’s new beautiful free life in heaven now with all her color, singing high upon the rock (psalm 27)
….they remind us of our hope on Earth!
They remind us to chase joy, life, color and sunrises!
Butterflies always greet us in her anointed garden, like love notes from heaven!
So today we sent our love to Gianna always and forever.
The most amazing things happened. One landed on my head!
It felt like a kiss from heaven😢
Also, one came right back to sissy Tolly’s hand. 😢
We will always chase joy for you, our beautiful Gia-Bia, because we know you’re happy and that’s what you want for us….
We cling to the Hope of new life and growing hearts that chase joy for ou!!
Keep showing us all the heavenly beauty….we are all watching and believing!
We miss you so much
“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, ‘“The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him’” (Lamentations 3:22-24).