She made it through!!!!
They were able to do a FULL repair!!!!!!
 Praise God.
 It’s a miracle because the coronary artery that was going to present a huge problem did not end up being a problem at all thanks to you’re mighty prayers!!!
However they could not stop a stubborn leaky Mitral valve after two attempts (hence the 10 hour surgery)
But they closed up her chest an she is now recovering. I am so proud of her! She is simply amazing, we serve an amazing GOD!
Ok, so they may have to do surgery again soon before we leave if the valve gets worse….but we will cross that bridge if need be.
 God did miracles today!!
She’s at 100% oxygen saturation or the first time in her life….and SHE HAS two pumping ventricles!!! Miracles! !!!
Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel, who alone does wondrous things (psalm 72:18)
They also said they were so surprised and shocked at how strong her heart would go on and off the bypass machine which was a direct answer to prayer for her to have a strong heart …. Praise God, your Glory was on display for all to see!!!!! .
So we need to ask for prayer for this leaky mitral valve to get better and to not get worse…
but I will say this: if that is our only concern then we are in a very good place because this is treatable, this is something that can be dealt with…  and even if she has to get a replacement valve that’s ok….. her heart can still last her her whole life. She will need to have replacement valves as she gets older.
However the goal is to keep all original parts and not add prosthetic parts if at all possible. So they are trying to keep her valve and watch it closely.
We may have to replace it before we leave via another heart surgery.
 Also, Surgeon did have to use a conduit to assist blood flow though from Right ventricle to Pulmonary artery.  which will need to be replaced as she grows. We knew this could be a possibility.
 Praise God for what He’s done!! He’s answered our prayers!!
Her heart is repaired! !!!!!!
We’re so grateful for your prayers. …please don’t stop. ..the next few days will be critical and bumpy.Â
I am so proud of this brave strong warrior. What a miracle she is. She has amazed everyone….God has amazed everyone. To HIM be the glory.
Immediate prayer requests: for her temp, blood pressure and heart rate to all come down, they are all very high…which is to be expected but we need to see them come don… She is still very critical. Praying each day gets better….
MY HEART IS relieved!
 Thank You for lifting our girl up, You were a part of her miracle….we are so grateful!!!
Praise the Lord!!!! She is one brave and strong little girl. We will continue to pray healing over her.