"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

More “breakfast board” details for those that inquired….

Hey there! This post is for the sweet ladies over on the WTM forum who asked for more info/ pics on the breakfast board. Let me start by saying that this idea is TOTALLY open-ended! You really can cater it to EXACTLY what you are working on in your daily learning for all your kids. The beauty of it, is that it is compact, portable, changeable, easy to store and “visual”! Boy, I am starting to sound like an infomercial now…lol! What you need is a “foldable project board (got mine at Walmart), fun bulletin board border, construction paper, and page protectors (I was just giddy when i found the ones with the sticky tape on the back at Staples!), a blank calendar, 100 chart, paper clock ( you can make one with a brad fastener).
You tape the construction paper down first to give each subject a colorful background. Then you tape the page protector on top of that! This way you can write with a “wipe off marker” each time you change your memory verses, coin bag #, 10’s/ one’s chart, calendar date, temperature, time….etc…
For us, it spans 4 grades ( 4th grade and under). For instance, my second grader really needs to work on time…so, I have him tell me the time each day and we set the clock and write the digital time, we also read a thermometer and set the temp each day. My K’er needs to work on place value, so she benefits from the 1’s/10’s chart (grouping straws). Both my 2nd grader and my K’er need to work on money. So, each day we add a coin to the money bag. Then we trade out for larger coins. So, if we are on day 5 (which is tomorrow) we will drop another penny in the bag, but then I will demonstrate how we trade 5 pennies for a nickle…and we will do just that! My preschooler is trying to learn shapes, so we have him point to each shape. My 2nd and 4th grader is trying to memorize states and capitals…so, this gives us a chance to review every morning….(I feel like I kill lots of birds with one stone) KWIM?
Here are few close-ups to give more of a visual (I love visuals)…

Oh, they each also have a “morning folder” they get this out during breakfast board time. In the folder they have 1) copy of the the week’s memory poem 2) the month’s calendar (older kids fill in date, youngers color the square that already has a number 3) 100 chart to fill in 4) a blank map of America to color the state that we are working on 5)blank spiral notebook to draw or doodle in as I do the History read aloud that comes write after breakfast board time (this is a life savor!!!)

0 thoughts on “More “breakfast board” details for those that inquired….

  1. you have some really great ideas, thanks for sharing- and all the photos are really helpful. We start back next week, and I am thinking about how I want to arrange things…hmm…thinking, thinking, thinking…I am really enjoying your blog, you have great/fun photos.

  2. i also followed your link from WTM. this is a GREAT IDEA for circle time, or as you call it breakfast board time 🙂i’m brainstorming for mine right now!🙂

  3. I’ve been looking for a way to bring this all together for years – this is perfect. Well done mama! 🙂 Thanks for sharing your ideas and hard work.I saw your post on HSR

  4. OK, so I need a bit more about the 100 chart – are they filling it in every day? wow…or are you doing a few numbers each day? do you skip count with it as you fill?Just wondering what you do…I know I could do anything, but just curious…”yeah, you rock.

  5. I’m not homeschooling this year but, if I were, I’d definitely be copying this idea. May even do so anyways. Just because my girls are going to school this year doesn’t mean we can’t do stuff at home for fun, right?Thanks for the ideas! You’re children are beautiful and they look they are enjoying themselves.(I followed Jenny in CA’s link on her blog – Home is Where you Start From- and sent your blog post to a few friends of mine.)

  6. What a great idea. With homeschooling my first and third grader I think this is a great way to bring everything together!!You are so creative!!

  7. Love the board! Thanks for replying and letting me know about the folders. 🙂I found your site through Mary – I’m sure I’ll be back to visit too! Jolanthe

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