I just wanted to take a moment to share this great pic of Barron. He is so sweet and I am so glad to own him with my mom. I having a lot of fun learning to ride him and just “having him”. But, the best feeling his earning his trust step by step. The first couple weeks I could not get him to come out of the field to get to the stall (he doesn’t like crossing a very muddy part of the field to get there) But, imagine the joy I now feel when i can go out to the paddock and get him, with no resistance from him…and get him to cross the mud as I lead him…while sometimes giving him a “reassuring pat” on his hiny with a crop (just to say, “it’s ok, Barron…you can trust me to get you through this”). When we finally make it to the stall after about 10 steps through slop (that he sinks about 4- 5 inches down into)…i hear him sigh an exhale of “relief” that he made it. He then happily eats his hay and his treat from me and enjoys his moments of being groomed with a relaxed state of mind, knowing that he can trust me to bring him through the mud and slop (the yuckiness). And, on the other side is rest and love. As I ponder this, all I keep thinking is that this is such a parallel to my walk with Christ. How often do I take my eyes off him and fix my stare on the “messiness” of circumstances around me (whatever complaints I may have at that time). It’s in those times that God whispers in my ear to just trust him to lead me through the slop and chaotic moments when everything seems out of my control. God just desires for me, his daughter, to let Him lead…to trust Him that on the other side is a “sigh of relief” that I “made it” following my “Shepherd”. There is nothing more wonderful than knowing that we can trust Him…even when our surroundings or whatever I am going through seems “yucky”. In the midst of it, we can feel his “pats of reassurance” that “it will be ok and we *can* trust Him to get us through it.” He promises refreshment on the other side. It just takes faith to know that he will lead us through it…all we need is to just follow His still small voice.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight (Proverbs 3:5-6)
Amen Johanna! Praying that I can trust Him more and more each day.