So, I have been playing with my Christmas gift in the little snippets of time that I get between Tahlia’s one dozen night-time “wake-ups” and I am having a blast!! I am NO PROFFESSIONAL at all, so I am glad that Adobe Lightroom does not alter the original pic. Maybe I will go back to the edited pics one day (when I have had more experience) and after wondering what in the world I was thinking, do them even better!
Anyways, I love being able to edit a photo to add more light, color and life to it! SO. MUCH. FUN.
** Please no criticisms, as I am aware of my complete utter ignorance of all things “photography”…still, its so much fun! ANd, learning by “doing” is even more FUN!!
Ok, here’s the
and AFTER…….
I love how she is more “illuminated” and how the color just POPs even more!
Great pictures! I've been meaning to check out Lightroom. Will have to do so after seeing all the cool things you were able to do to your pictures.