"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

My first “edited” photos!

So, I have been playing with my Christmas gift in the little snippets of time that I get between Tahlia’s one dozen night-time “wake-ups” and I am having a blast!! I am NO PROFFESSIONAL at all, so I am glad that Adobe Lightroom does not alter the original pic. Maybe I will go back to the edited pics one day (when I have had more experience) and after wondering what in the world I was thinking, do them even better!

Anyways, I love being able to edit a photo to add more light, color and life to it! SO. MUCH. FUN.

** Please no criticisms, as I am aware of my complete utter ignorance of all things “photography”…still, its so much fun! ANd, learning by “doing” is even more FUN!!

Ok, here’s the


and AFTER…….

I love how she is more “illuminated” and how the color just POPs even more!

and here are some more experiments!

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