..Ok…..we are still processing everything. so I’m gonna keep this short and share details later. Gianna is in heart failure. Cath showed that she needs heart surgery. Doctors all feel Boston needs to do it.. they are all in agreement and confident in the plan forward. Gianna and I will get flown to Boston from CHOP early next week after she spends a few day here getting stronger.
Honestly, We Feel like we’ve been punched in the gut and I’m frustrated and sad Gianna has to go through this Hell again.. but we are fighting hard to focus on HOPE! Gia has diminished SO much in the past 6 months. And now we know why. Believing that on the other side of this scary long journey is a healthy, bouncy, energetic little girl beaming with fresh joy and new life! She is worth this battle for HOPE ! …..
Clinging to the promise that His strength is perfected in our weaknesses because we are weary.
Walking forward, in faith …trying to be brave….(yet kicking and screaming in frustration) ….Thank you for continuing to pray we can’t even begin to tell you what it means to us knowing so many are praying. Very grateful.