I miss you.
November is hard.
Remembering the mountains.
Remembering the miracles.
5 years ago you were having your heart completely reconstructed.
A 10 hour surgery and a 2 month fight for life to make your heart new.
God healed you and I miss celebrating with you over bed-side tea parties and big cups of hospital ice and watching Frozen for the 3000th time while begging to go home together.
4 years ago we left for Disney to make your wishes come true all together.
You danced. We cheered.
You became the prettiest princess of all the world and we celebrated together with cotton candy and tiaras and fireworks.

I miss seeing your sparkle and shine from your cheesy grin.
When we got home, your heart failed days later and a med-flight brought you to the hospital where God would use the skilled hands of an incredible surgeon to save you.
You survived! You recovered. We danced a victory dance and were Home by Christmas to celebrate being alive and all together.
I miss dancing with you.
I miss celebrating with you.
I miss hearing your warrior- heartbeats in my ear that were a tangible reminder of His mercies.
I miss when faith was easier because we had sight.
Always Remembering the miracles.
Always remembering the mercies.
Always incredibly thankful to be yours forever.
Always aching. Always Loving you forever.
Living brave like you.
Choosing Hope forever.
Mama just misses you so damn much.Â