We had a good nights sleep. Gianna fell asleep on daddy’s chest and when we woke up, we found these two treasures between us.
She sucks her fingers!! so cute!
Went to the civil affairs office and completed the official adoption paperwork! Gianna is officially a CanneLongo!!!!!! PRAISE GOD!!!!!
 here are some pics from part of today! She is starting to come out of her shell a little bit….and she is so sweet! She even said a few words, giggled, ran with the kids in the hallway…oh,  and she ate a big breakfast with us! (girl can eat!!!). She also sang a song with us in the van on the way to the civil affairs office….we have it on video! I will try and upload it! so sweet!!!! She got a little weepy as we were putting her to sleep for a nap so I just curled up in bed with her too for some extra cuddle time and we fell fast asleep together for a couple hours…so sweet. I love seeing her little personality emerge…a lot of it is still buried under so much grief, but we get to see small tastes of it and its beautiful to witness!
Keep praying for her heart, it is so hard to see her heart sad…this part of adoption is so difficult.
 We will be in her provincial city till Friday waiting for her passport then we fly south to Guangzhou! Looking forward to uploading some pics of the town later! There is a beautiful park nearby that we are excited to take Gia to!
We are all so thankful for our little girl!
Congratulations! I sat in that very same room with the very same orphange director from Yungcheng SWI in 2010 when we adopted Adam.
Gia looks so adorable and you all look so happy.
God bless you!