"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

Oh Summer, Oh Summer, Oh Summer…how we love thee!

So, I must overload you…..sorry, JUST CAN”T HELP MYSELF!!!
I’ve been havin’ just too much fun this summer to sit in front of the computer and blog!

So…. I gotta post our summer memories. Yes, ALL IN ONE POST!!

The days are slipping by so fast, and I just have to journal almost every special moment that we’ve soaked up enjoying our first summer as an official family of seven

I just remember so vividly how last summer we were waiting for our official Letter of Acceptance (LOA) from China to bring our Tahlia home….

and now, Well…..all I can say is: …..Oh, thank you God that we are now all together!

The summer started out on an anxious note.  Little Tolly-pop had her lip/nose repair done. It was a long and rough surgery, but she is  a tough cookie! The whole experience brought her a LOT closer to her daddy.

We are so pleased with the results….and SO GLAD IT’s DONE!

We enjoyed MANY popsicles!!!!


 We got to take the kids to their first Christian Music Festival! It was 10 hours of music and fun!
The girls got to see Britt Nicole in concert AND meet her!!!!!!
She is such an amazing role model and singer!

Three little girls, moved by passion for the orphan, got a vision: Crafts for China’s Orphans was launched! I am so proud of them! To date: over 600.00 raised! Let me tell you, God uses children in Big ways!!!!!

 We got to visit the Herr’s Potato Chip factory with friends. They had a petting zoo! Tahlia LOVES animals ….she fits in so well with all of us!

A very special daddy was celebrated for being the VERY best daddy ever!!! Happy Father’s day, daddy!

But, we weren’t done celebrating this special guy……’cause he had a birthday shortly after!!! So, the girls decided to make him a special Italian cake, and we surprised him with canolie, and a surprise visit from the Woodies!

Summer is for special friends. Tahlia’s very special friend, Emery came over for a little family playdate! I love that these two little ones will be able to bond over similar stories, just like their mommas have been able to bond over similar journeys of God’s faithfulness …..what a treasure these friendships are and will be forever!!

 SUMMER IS FOR THE BEACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We were blessed beyond belief with a free trip to the beach! What a gift and MUCH needed rest.It was extra fun because the Woodies came down for a couple nights and Nana and Pop-pop brought the cousins to play one day as well! SO many good memories!!
the first time we touched a beach in two years……felt SO LOVELY!!!!!!!!!!!!
The first time Tahlia has ever seen the beach! She had no fear…..just awe!

 Summer is for 4th of JULY!!!!!!!!!!!! It was a special day indeed! We celebrated our one year anniversary from seeing Tahlia’s face for the first time, and of course it was  Tahlia’s first 4th!!! So we had a family picnic and a special cake made by the girls and, of course, fireworks with the fam!!!

 I’m so glad Uncle Chris and Aunt Tina could come to the picnic, Tahlia LOVES them very much, she seemed very smitten  with her Uncle Chris!

Unfortunatly, this summer meant a broken wrist for our sweet Helaina :(. She was VERY discouraged, but then God sent her a little surprise in the garden!! We had prayed for encouragement and it came in the form of a sweet fuzzy creature….or two or three! 😉

And, where what would Summer be without Sports camp!!! The girls did cheerleading and the boys did basketball! They had so much fun and they sure were tired each day!

And, I must add that little Tolly has learned to pedal her bike!!!!! Oh, and she learned to finger paint too!!!!

 Isn’t she just the CUTEST!!!!! 
And, these two special sisters had LOTS of bonding time while the siblings were at sports camp!
 Which I am so thankful, seeing that they are now officially roommates!!! PRAISE GOD! Tahlia is now sleeping in her own room with sissy!!
It was a progression of sorts! LOL
And….this is how she ends up most nights!! 🙂
I love it!

 Summer is for farm animals and fruit picking!!!!!!!!!!
We visited Milburn Orchards farm to play with the animals and pick berries and grapes!!!
We had a blast!! YUMMY!!!!!!!!

Summer is for gardens….Helaina and I have been growing her favorite flower: Hibiscus!
Everyday we go outside and check for new blooms….they really do take our breath away!! 
What an amazing Creator, Lord God,  we serve!!!

And…….finallly, Brian and I have had a little ….no….. BIG….no HUGE  secret up our sleeves all summer!!! So many factors had to come into play, and stars and planets align just perfectly for this to actually happen. Prayers were answered…..and, I am so thankful that it WILL be happening, GOD willing!!! 
WE ARE JUST SO SO SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We just revealed our secret surprise tonight to the the kids….it’s quite a story!!! Think you may know…….or have an idea???:)
….I’ll share in my next post!

2 thoughts on “Oh Summer, Oh Summer, Oh Summer…how we love thee!

  1. What a fun post to read and see all the photos! Tahlia is just such a ray of sunshine! I love the photo of the girls in the bed together snuggled up close. What a great blessing! That is so great that the girls have raised $600 for MaoNan already. God has truly blessed their efforts! I have my own idea of your news. Can't wait to have your surprise revealed on your next post! 🙂

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