"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

One VERY special tea party….

Psalm 145:4
“One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts”

…..So, when Grandmom Pat was cleaning out Mom-mom Tita’s house, she discovered many treasures. Among these treasures were many dishes of fine bone China, a beautiful tea set with lots of beautiful patterns that would bring a smile to any girl’s face. Also, she found all of her old hats from the 1940’s and 1950’s with fancy scarves in every color and pattern you can imagine.
Grandmom Pat went to work right away organizing the “Tea Party”. My girls could hardly wait, they already had their hats and special scarves picked out! It took many months to get our schedules coordinated but G-mom Pat was determined to get the party scheduled so we could all be there (4 generations of women)….Mom-mom Tita’s legacy.
I am so glad we did this…I could tell that Mom-mom Tita was blessed beyond measure to celebrate a life of love with her most treasured items and people. I LOVED how much my girls enjoyed blessing her, and just being a part of their grandparent’s life and celebrations. This is a legacy being formed before our eyes.

I never had great grandparents or grandparents, for that matter, that really invested in me and included me in their lives. So, if fills my heart to see my children blessed beyond measure by the older generation, and I am SO THANKFUL that they have four grandparents and even great grandparents who LOVE them and make them a HUGE part of their life. This is a gift that I could never give them…..a gift that is indescribably important to us. I am so thankful!

What a very special and memorable day this was. Mom-mom Tita (who’s 95) shared stories of all her hats. Of course, even though it was a “tea party”, we are still CanneLongos through and through. You can just say that cream puffs were tossed, spoons fell, egg rolls got devoured, coke was served from a tea pot and formal manners were put aside to make room for jokes, laughs and comedy. This was no boring tea party!

The girls are already looking forward to the next one! Thank you Grandmom Pat for making this a very special event, and for blessing all of us!

0 thoughts on “One VERY special tea party….

  1. I LOVE this post!!! Mom Mom Tita is ADORABLE! I love tea parties, and this is the perfect way to celebrate as ladies….especially 4 generations of them.

    Also, congrats on the next adoption step! It is wonderful to read about your enthusiasm and joy through this process.

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