Its been one week since we have been home from China with Gianna. Each day gets a little better with our jet-lag…each day our brain is feeling a little less upside down. Thank you for praying for us!
A HUGE blessing has been the meals. Thank you SO much for those that have been meeting that need, I can;t tell you how that has helped us.
Of course, she is still such a mystery in so many ways and I am sure we are to her too. ha! ….we are still trying to figure each other out… But, that will come with time..and we will understand more of what she is thinking and feeling and she will understand more of what we are saying.  (Gosh, we would give anything to know mandarin!) LOL
I gotta tell you, we are truly in love with this girl. We all, each and every one of us of us, looks at her and just still can NOT believe what God has done. Its unbelievable how He got her home to us in 8 months from the time we first submitted paperwork on her (that is with starting from scratch on the homestudy). It is clear that He wanted her home quickly. He moved mountains. Being in China together as a family to get our daughter/sister/grand-daughter was a PURE miracle. Each moment God revealed himself in HUGE ways to our family and continues to while at home. And to now be home with her, looking at her, GOSH…it is still so hard to process fully, to be honest. We are just in awe. I have so much to say…..hoping eventually I will have time to write it out. I can sum it up by saying that God calls us to the “HARD” so we can see HIS strength perfected in our weakness. If we only do in life what we feel we “can” do, then why would we ever have the need for HIS power in our lives?
See friends, God is in the business of breaking hearts with what breaks HIS.. but “only” if you let Him get you uncomfortable…..He has to wreck us to get our attention. Honestly, It was SUPER scary to hear his voice telling us that He wanted us to run to a heart baby….and let me tell you, fear almost won. COMPLACENCY almost won.
What if it had? What if we were numb and turned the other way and protected our hearts from being wrecked. What if we sought His Word less and Sought comfort more? Then, we would have missed His voice, His command, His whisper. We would have missed beautiful Gianna. Oh SO thankful we didn’t miss her, thankful for HIS grace!
It’s a risk, its not safe and it is surely NOT comfortable….but the blessing to hold this treasure in our arms overwhelms us with gratefulness.
So thankful that we didn’t miss Gianna, So grateful God chose us to run to her. We are humbled by this.
Lets be clear (for those that want to pat our backs):He did NOT choose us because we are strong or able or even worthy at all. It was only by Grace. He only asks that we are willing. See, He does not call the equipped, but I guarantee to you He equips the called after you step out in faith. It is HIS promise that He will be with us always. He will never leave or forsake us.
 What is God whispering to you? I urge you to please search out for His still small voice, “whatever” He is calling you to do. I guarantee that it will feel SO NOT comfortable, and So “out of the boat” and so NOT logical, and many will try and talk you out of such craziness….but, if you accept His invitation to get out of the boat to be wrecked… will get to experience His miracles….you may even get to walk on water!!!!
That is “God’s dream” for fight for the fatherless and speak up for the oppressed.
OH Lord Jesus, keep us out of love with “comfort and complacency” and the that empty American Dream of affluence and keep us fighting for YOUR dream of making a difference in this ONE life you have given us.
On that note, Thank you for all that are still praying for this adjustment at home, we still NEED YOUR PRAYERS, it isn’t easy, nothing WORTH it comes easy….yet, it is SO VERY wonderful to be right in the center of God’s will. I am so thankful she is home….my heart feels so much peace and calm….even among the stormy moments of complete chaos.
Still can’t believe our home is filled with 6 beautiful CRAZY kiddie blessings.
We are asking for is prayer for her heart to feel peace at night. She is waking often. Please pray for an overwhelming peace of calm for her. I selfishly would love the rest too! haÂ
We don’t know what is ahead for us in the immediate future. Right now we are enjoying the calm of settling in to home life and attachment and sort of NOT thinking about the roller coaster ahead. Knowing God is already in the tomorrow’s. One thing we do know is that another open heart surgery is pretty imminent for our Gia (she had one already in China). We have no idea when this will happen, but knowing full well that we will be getting a lot of information on July 10th. Yet, we are Praying for encouraging news!
We have no idea of the ride ahead but there is no other place we would rather be then on God’s roller coaster and seeing HIM and HIS power so clearly!
Thank you friends for loving us and Gianna.Â
Some pics from the past week….