It was one year ago today, a very brave and desperate Chinese momma had to leave her sweet daughter, the baby girl who she nurtured for over 5 months, in front of an orphanage. I can NOT imagine the sadness, the terror, the emptiness that she must have felt to have to rip her precious baby girl from her chest and walk away. She left her where she was SURE she’d be found, she could NOT keep her, but she selflessly left her to be discovered quickly. It was an act of fierce love. Tahlia was so loved. It brings me to tears to imagine her thoughts as she thinks about her daughter and wonders about her and her future. It rips my heart to pieces to imagine Tahlia’s pain to be separated from her birth mom. So much grief for such a little baby. We live in such a broken world, and it’s not supposed to be that way….babies are supposed to stay in their families. But, God has given us hope, hope through Jesus…each one of us, that He will one day redeem this world…..and set all the lonely in families. He has a plan to restore us! He is our hope!
Sing to God, sing praise to his name,
extol him who rides on the cloudsa—
his name is the LORD—
and rejoice before him.
5A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows,
is God in his holy dwelling.
6God sets the lonely in families,b
he leads forth the prisoners with singing;
but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land. (psalm 68:4-6)
Beautiful thoughts, scripture, and prayer. :o)
Love your blog….beautiful family! Followed your link from the cl/cp Yahoo group! 🙂 What an amazing journey you are on and SO WORTH IT!
Abby-Home from India Aug.'10
Simply beautiful. Amen.
what a beautiful post… i followed FB to your blog… and am sucked in… i totally understand your feelings for your daughter's BM.. and love that you respect and feel compassion for her… i hope that things move quickly to bring your daughter home!!! ps: we LOVE northeast, MD area! it is beautiful down there!