"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

Our first fundraiser!! (get the kiddies involved)

When we “stepped out of the boat” to start this journey of faith to our daughter we had to remind ourselves that God (the one who can part a sea, create the sun and earth, and raise a person from the dead) can obviously do the impossible. If it is His plan for us to rescue our daughter then He will bring it to pass!
We will be having a few fundraisers along the way to involve our friends and family so that we will have a beautiful story to share one day for our daughter of the love that brought her home, and how the Lord used His people mightily in her life! Now, wouldn’t that be an awesome bedtime story!!!
For our first fundraiser we are distributing baby bottles to collect loose change to help raise money for our adoption. We chose this idea first because we thought this was a wonderful way to get children involved. We have seen in our own home how when kids pull together, they can accomplish BIG things!! If your children are anything like mine, then they can find shiny dimes and pennies ANYWHERE!! It’s like they have a special nose to sniff out lost change that’s fallen between couch cushions! LOL. So, we encourage you to use this bottle to share with your children of the orphan crisis in the world, and how they can help to bring home an orphan simply by collecting their pennies, nickles, quarters and dimes!! If you would like a bottle or know someone that would please email us and together we will fulfill God’s plan.
The second exciting part, after the bottles are returned, we will be sending all the empty bottles to an orphanage in China who can use them!
Also, please continue to pray for our journey!! GOD IS MOVING!!

One more thing, I love giving children a visual message to help move their hearts to acts of compassion. Here is a beautiful and touching lullaby video to show the need to help orphans! My children love it!

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